【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-27
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    喜欢口译的同学,大多抱有一个外交官的理想,而双语例行记者会上快节奏的你问我答及现场翻译,则给我们提供了宝贵的学习资源。下面是小编整理的关于【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-27的资料,希望大家在这些唇枪舌剑中,提升英语,更热爱祖国!



    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on August 27, 2021


    CGTN: The Japanese Ministry of Defense recently released for the first time a white paper on defense for elementary and junior high school students, which contains criticism of China with regard to the military buildup, Diaoyu Dao and South China Sea. Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi also said that the children who are responsible for the country's future must be able to understand and support Japan's defense. People familiar with recent Japanese history all know Japanese militarism's dangerous acts during the period of militarism aggression when it inculcated militarism and fanned the flames of war in teenagers and children by using the Imperial Rescript on Education. Also, Japan tried to revive the education philosophy before WWII and introduce training subjects of WWII soldiers among students, as reported by Japanese media. Do you have any comment?


    Zhao Lijian: China has made clear its solemn position on the Defense of Japan 2021 white paper. I would like to stress once again that China firmly opposes Japan's unreasonable accusations against China's normal defense building, irresponsible remarks on China's legitimate maritime activities and the hype-up of the so-called "China threat".


    Japan intentionally released a children's version of the defense white paper, which repeats the same old rhetoric to smear China. China expresses firm opposition to this and has lodged solemn representations with Japan. I would also like to point out that it is not constructive at all for Japan to highlight external threats and incite confrontation among minors. The Japanese side should earnestly face up to and reflect on history, learn lessons from history, and refrain from taking wrong actions to mislead its people, especially the next generation.


    总台国广记者:近日,英国广播公司(BBC)主持人在采访巴巴多斯总理莫特利时数次设置陷阱,抹黑中国和加勒比国家的双边交往和经济合作。莫特利客观阐述了包括巴巴多斯在内的加勒比国家对华合作情况,驳斥主持人的“有罪推定”。外交部有何评论? CRI: Recently, a BBC anchor set multiple traps during her interview with Barbados' Prime Minister Mia Mottley, and threw mud at bilateral exchanges and economic cooperation between China and Caribbean countries. Prime Minister Mia Mottley elaborated on Caribbean countries' cooperation with China including Barbados in an objective way, and refuted the anchor's presumption of guilt. Does the Foreign Ministry have any comment? 赵立坚:英国广播公司(BBC)恶意抹黑中国的外交政策和对外经济合作,把巴巴多斯和加勒比国家开展正常的对华交往歪曲成“附庸强权”,对此我丝毫不感到意外。正如莫特利总理所谈,BBC主持人的提问说明,BBC没有把巴巴多斯当作独立决定本国命运的国家来平等看待。这充分暴露了BBC的“零和思维”和“酸葡萄”心理。 Zhao Lijian: BBC maliciously smeared China's foreign diplomacy and overseas economic cooperation, and distorted the normal exchanges of Barbados and other Caribbean countries with China as being a pawn of the power. I'm not at all surprised at what the BBC has done. As what is said by Prime Minister Mia Mottley, the questions raised by the BBC anchor reflect that BBC does not regard Barbados equally as a country able to charter its own destiny. It fully reveals the zero-sum mentality and sour grapes attitude of BBC. 
    巴巴多斯是中国在加勒比地区的好朋友和好伙伴。建交44年来,中巴关系保持良好发展势头。新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中巴同舟共济、共克时艰,谱写了两国友谊新篇章。我要强调的是,中国积极发展对包括巴巴多斯在内的拉美和加勒比国家的关系与合作,给双方人民带来了实实在在的福祉。中国始终致力于构建“相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢”的新型国际关系,推动构建人类命运共同体。我们从来没有欺负、压迫、奴役过其他国家人民,从来没有将自己的意志强加给别国,过去没有,现在没有,将来也不会有。  Barbados is China's good friend and partner in the Caribbean region. Over the last 44 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China-Barbados relations have maintained sound momentum. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, China and Barbados have been supporting each other to overcome the challenge, opening a new chapter of our friendship. I want to stress that China actively advances the relations and cooperation with Latin-American and Caribbean countries including Barbados, and brings tangible benefits to our peoples. China remains committed to forging a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation for a community with a shared future for mankind. We have never bullied, oppressed, or enslaved the people of any other country, or forcibly imposed our will on others, and we never will.
    当今世界,是谁抱守殖民主义旧梦,动辄挥舞霸权霸凌的大棒,将自身意志强加给他国,给他国人民带来深重苦难,世人心里都很清楚。BBC应该本着客观公正的立场看待中国同拉美和加勒比国家的正常合作,而不是以高人一等的傲慢态度戴着有色眼镜设置话语陷阱,预做“有罪推定”。 People know too well, in today's world, who is stuck in the old dream of colonialism to wantonly wield the big stick of hegemony and bullying, forcibly imposes its will on other countries, and brings misery to people there. BBC should have viewed China's normal cooperation with Latin-American and Caribbean states from an objective and fair perspective, instead of looking at others through tinted glasses in an arrogant and condescending attitude and setting discourse traps with presumption of guilt.


    深圳卫视记者:26日,喀布尔机场附近发生2起爆炸,造成重大人员伤亡。“伊斯兰国”宣布对爆炸事件负责。中方对此有何评论?事件中有无中国公民伤亡?中方为保障在阿中国公民安全做了哪些工作? Shenzhen TV: Two explosions occurred near Kabul airport on April 26, causing heavy casualties. ISIS claimed responsibility for the bombing. What is China's comment on that? Were there any Chinese casualties? What has China done to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens in Afghanistan? 赵立坚:中方对喀布尔机场附近发生爆炸造成重大人员伤亡感到震惊,并予以强烈谴责。这一事件说明,阿富汗安全形势依然复杂严峻。希望有关方面采取有效举措,确保阿富汗局势平稳过渡,确保阿富汗人民和外国在阿公民的人身安全。 Zhao Lijian: China is shocked at and strongly condemns the explosions near Kabul airport which caused heavy casualties. The explosions show that the security situation in Afghanistan remains complex and grave. We hope relevant parties will take effective measures to ensure a smooth transition of the situation in Afghanistan and ensure the safety of the Afghan people and foreign citizens in the country. 
    经中国驻阿富汗使馆了解核实,迄未收到中国公民伤亡的报告。中国驻阿使馆已经与自愿留阿的少量中国公民建立联系,保持密切沟通并提供必要协助,提醒他们加强安全防范,同时要求有关方面采取措施确保中方人员安全。  The Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan has received no report of Chinese casualties so far. The embassy has reached out to the small number of Chinese citizens who choose to stay, maintaining close communication and providing necessary help. The embassy reminded them to protect themselves and urged relevant parties to take measures to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals.

    4 香港中评社记者:据报道,美国政府一名匿名高级官员称,中国拒绝向国际社会提供关于新冠疫情信息的接触渠道。他还称,如果有可靠的、技术上可信的理由应对美国进行调查,美国当然会支持,但没有这样的理由。中方对此有何评论? China Review News: According to reports, a senior US official said that "China continues to obfuscate and deny the international community the needed access" to COVID-19 information. "If there were sound, technically credible reasons for a US investigation, we would of course support it. But there are none," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:溯源是科学问题,中方始终支持并将继续参与科学溯源。 Zhao Lijian: Origins tracing is a matter of science. China always supports and will continue to participate in the science-based origins study.
    美方一些政客和官员不思考如何控制美国疫情、拯救人民生命,妄图凭借一份情报机构的栽赃报告,推卸自身抗疫失败责任、向中国甩锅推责,这只会干扰和破坏国际溯源和全球抗疫合作。美方声称中国拒绝提供必要信息,不过是其掩饰情报溯源失败的借口。  Instead of thinking about how to control the epidemic in the US and save people's lives, some US politicians and officials are trying in vain to shift the blame for their own failure in fighting the virus onto China with a report drafted by the intelligence agencies. This will only disrupt and undermine international cooperation in the origins study and epidemic response. The allegation that China refuses to provide "needed access" is nothing but an excuse to cover the US' own failed intelligence-led origins tracing. 
    既然美方口口声声称,只要有理由,就支持对美国进行溯源调查。那么请美方回答:第一,美国威斯康星州2019年7月大规模暴发电子烟肺炎的症状与新冠肺炎症状极其相似。这算不算理由?第二,美国国立卫生研究院网站显示,研究发现美国5个州的新冠病毒感染证据在2019年12月就已出现。这算不算理由?第三,美国政府以“干扰溯源工作、对美国国家安全不利”为由,封存了2020年1月2日以前采集的血液样本并不再调查。这算不算理由?第四,佛罗里达州卫生部网站曾发布当地2020年1月和2月出现新冠肺炎症状或新冠病毒检测结果为阳性的171名患者数据。然而,这些数据一度被莫名其妙地删除。这算不算理由?第五,脸书等社交媒体上曾有超过200位来自美国或与美国有密切关联国家的人,公开表示早在2019年11月左右,他们自己或者别人就已感染了疑似新冠病毒的疾病。这算不算理由?第六,包括哥斯达黎加、肯尼亚等在内的12国公开表示他们这些国家新冠肺炎“零号病人”输入国为美国。这算不算理由?第七,德特里克堡基地和北卡罗来纳大学在冠状病毒研究方面都有黑历史和糟糕的安全记录。德堡美国陆军传染病医学研究院曾在2019年秋季新冠疫情暴发前夕发生过严重的安全事故,一度被美国疾控中心叫停。这算不算理由?  The US side said they need "reasons" to support an investigation in the US. Then, please answer the following questions. First, patients of the EVALI outbreak in July 2019 in Wisconsin in the US had symptoms highly similar to that of COVID-19. Isn't this a reason? Second, according to the US NIH website, research has shown that evidence of infection in five states appeared back in December 2019. Isn't this a reason? Third, the US government sealed blood samples collected before January 2, 2020 from further testing on the ground that it interferes with the origins tracing agenda and is detrimental to US national security. Isn't this a reason? Fourth, Florida Department of Health once removed data from its website that showed 171 patients had coronavirus symptoms or positive test results in January and February, 2020. Isn't this a reason? Fifth, many comments on social media like Facebook indicate that more than 200 people in the US or countries having close ties with the US said publicly people they know or they themselves had suspected infection of the novel coronavirus as early as in November 2019, with COVID-like symptoms. Isn't this a reason? Sixth, 12 countries including Costa Rica and Kenya publicly said that their "patient zero" of COVID-19 came from the US. Isn't this a reason? Seventh, Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina (UNC) have a dark chapter in history and poor safety records of coronavirus researches. The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, which is based in Fort Detrick, was shut down by the US CDC because of serious safety incidents in the fall of 2019, before the outbreak of COVID-19. Isn't this a reason? 
    美方既然笃信自身没有问题,那么就请直面国际社会的疑问,邀请世卫组织去德特里克堡、去北卡罗来纳大学进行溯源调查,并公开美国早期病例的原始数据。如果美方拒不接受,那就只会进一步暴露美方将溯源政治化的真实面目。 Given that the US is confident that it has nothing to hide, then it should face up to the questions of the international community by inviting the WHO to do the origins study in Fort Detrick and the UNC, and release the raw data on early cases in the US. Should the US refuse to cooperate, it would only further expose its true intention of politicizing origins study.


    彭博社记者:关于阿富汗,第一,广义上的恐怖主义将如何影响中国以及中国与塔利班打交道的方式?中国同西方国家合作打击“伊斯兰国”在阿富汗的分支及其他恐怖组织是否符合所有人的利益?这将如何实现?第二,中国是否相信塔利班能够打击“伊斯兰国”在阿富汗的分支并维护国家稳定? Bloomberg: Going back to the Afghanistan issue, I'd like to ask how the wider terrorist threat impacts how China deals with the Taliban. So for example, is it in everyone's interest for China to work together with Western nations against ISIS-K and other groups? How would that happen? And then the second part of my question would be talking about how confident is China that the Taliban will be able to stabilize the country and fight ISIS-K? 赵立坚:关于你的第一个问题,中方对阿富汗这次恐袭事件予以强烈谴责,对遇难者家属和伤者表示深切的慰问和同情。中方坚决反对并强烈谴责一切形式的恐怖主义,愿同国际社会一道,共同应对恐怖主义威胁,防止阿富汗再次成为恐怖主义策源地。 Zhao Lijian: On your first question, China condemns the terrorist attack and expresses deep sympathies and condolences to those who lost their loved ones and the injured. China firmly opposes and strongly condemns all forms of terrorism, and stands ready to work with the international community to jointly tackle the threat of terrorism and prevent Afghanistan from becoming a source of terrorism again.
    关于你的第二个问题,我们注意到,过去20多年里,一些恐怖组织在阿富汗境内聚集发展,对国际和地区和平与安全构成严重威胁。特别是“东伊运”作为被联合国安理会列名的国际恐怖组织,对中国国家和民众安全构成直接威胁。阿富汗塔利班负责人已明确向中方表示,决不允许任何势力利用阿富汗领土做危害中国的事情。阿富汗塔利班应切实履行承诺,同一切恐怖组织彻底划清界限,坚决打击“东伊运”,为地区安全稳定以及发展合作扫清障碍。  On your second question, we noticed that some terrorist groups have gathered and developed in Afghanistan over the past two decades, posing a serious threat to international and regional peace and security. In particular, as an international terrorist organization listed by the UN Security Council, the ETIM poses an immediate threat to the security of the China and its people. The head of the Afghan Taliban made it clear to the Chinese side that the Afghan Taliban will never allow any force to use the Afghan territory to engage in acts that hurt China. The Afghan Taliban should earnestly honor its commitment, make a clean break with all terrorist organizations, resolutely fight against the ETIM and clear the way for regional security, stability, development and cooperation.

    总台央视记者:据白俄罗斯外交部网站消息,26日,中国和白俄罗斯在明斯克举办了中白“地方合作年”启动仪式。你能否介绍有关情况? CCTV: According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, China and Belarus hosted the opening ceremony of Belarus-China Year of Regions in Minsk on August 26. Could you give us more details?  赵立坚:中国和白俄罗斯是相互信任、合作共赢的全面战略伙伴。在习近平主席和卢卡申科总统战略引领下,中白关系健康稳定发展。去年6月和今年1月,两国元首两次通电话,为中白关系发展作出战略规划和部署。中白双边贸易额2020年增长10.7%,今年上半年同比增长50.6%。中白工业园建设稳步推进,全循环高科技农工综合体等项目取得积极进展。面对世纪疫情,两国人民相互支持,书写了携手抗疫的感人佳话。两国在联合国等多边场合密切协作,有力维护了发展中国家正当权益,捍卫了国际关系基本准则,促进了国际公平和正义。 Zhao Lijian: China and Belarus are comprehensive strategic partners featuring mutual trust and win-win cooperation. Under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Aleksandr Lukashenko, China-Belarus relations achieve sound and steady development. Last June and this January, the two heads of state made two telephone conversations to make strategic plans and arrangements for the bilateral ties. Bilateral trade volume grew by 10.7% in 2020, and 50.6% year-on-year in the first half of 2021. The construction of China-Belarus industrial park has been advancing steadily, and projects such as the full cycle high-tech agro-industrial complex have gained positive progress. In the face of the pandemic of the century, our two peoples offer each other support, writing a touching story of fighting the virus with joint hands. Our two countries also coordinate and cooperate closely in multilateral platforms including the UN, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, defend basic norms governing the international relations, and uphold international fairness and justice.
    为积极推进两国地方交往合作,中白双方决定于2021—2022年在两国政府间合作委员会框架内举办“地方合作年”。双方有关部门和地方将视疫情形势以适当方式开展一系列活动。相信这将有力促进两国地方合作,丰富中白全面战略伙伴关系的内涵。 To promote sub-national cooperation, China and Belarus decided to host Year of Regions for 2021-2022 within the framework of China-Belarus Intergovernmental Committee of Cooperation. Relevant departments and regions of both sides will host a series of activities in an appropriate manner that suits the pandemic situation. We believe that it will give a strong boost to sub-national cooperation between our two countries, and enrich and invigorate China-Belarus Comprehensive and Strategic Partnership.



    The Swedish Radio: The UK regulator Ofcom has fined CGTN £100,000 after CGTN twice broadcast their footage and interviews of Gui Minhai when he was detained in China back in 2016 and 2018. According to Ofcom, the use of this material constitutes as unfair or unjust treatment and an infringement of the privacy of Gui Minhai. Does the foreign ministry have any comment?


    Zhao Lijian: We oppose Ofcom's decision. It is not the first time for relevant agency in the UK to make wrong decisions targeting Chinese media.

    中国是法治国家。中国司法机关依法办案。桂敏海的犯罪行为构成为境外非法提供情报罪,证据确实充分。中国地方法院已依法对该案作出宣判。  China is a country governed by law. China's judicial authorities handle all cases in accordance with law. Gui Minhai committed the crime of illegally providing intelligence to overseas with solid evidence, and China's local court has reached a verdict accordingly.
    英方有关机构应该撤销错误决定,为中国媒体在英国开展正常新闻报道工作提供支持和便利。 Relevant agency in the UK should revoke its wrong decision, and provide support and facilitation for Chinese media to conduct normal news reporting in the UK.


    彭博社记者:你刚才谴责了喀布尔的恐怖袭击并提到了“东伊运”。我想从中长期反恐的角度来提问:众所周知,美国已将“东伊运”从恐怖组织名单中删除。这将在多大程度上影响中美在阿富汗的反恐合作?美国重新承认“东伊运”为恐怖组织是否是中方同美方开展反恐合作的条件? Bloomberg: I just like to go back to your earlier answer if that's okay. I talk a little bit more about it because you condemned the terror attack which I understand, but I'm hoping to talk about maybe more medium to long term approaches about how to solve terrorism. Now you also mentioned ETIM and as we all know, that's been removed by the US from their list of terrorist organizations, so how critical is the US' stance on ETIM as an element of possible further collaboration between China and the US on counter-terrorism in Afghanistan? Would it be essential or required for the US to recognize the ETIM, is that one of the conditions? 赵立坚:中方在打击“东伊运”问题上的立场是明确的、一贯的。“东伊运”是联合国安理会列名的恐怖组织。然而令人遗憾的是,美国上届政府宣布撤销了对“东伊运”的恐怖组织定性。中方反对美方这种奉行双重标准的做法。美方不应该一方面宣称打击、反对恐怖主义;另一方面奉行双重标准,不承认一个联合国安理会列名的恐怖组织。这对中美之间的反恐合作没有任何益处。 Zhao Lijian: China's position on combating ETIM is consistent and clear. ETIM is an international terrorist organization designated by the UN Security Council. Regrettably, the former US administration revoked the designation of ETIM as a terrorist organization. China opposes the double standard of the US. The US should not claim to fight and oppose terrorism on the one hand and refuse to designate the ETIM on the other hand. Such US moves does no good to the counter-terrorism cooperation between China and the US.


    日本广播协会记者:今天日本自民党和台湾民进党在线上召开了两党之间的“2+2”会议。中方对此有何评论? NHK: Today, the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party and the Taiwanese Democratic Progressive Party held an online "2+2" meeting. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。中方坚决反对建交国同台湾进行任何形式的官方往来。中方已经就此向日方提出严正交涉。 Zhao Lijian: Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. China firmly opposes all forms of official interactions between Taiwan and countries having diplomatic ties with China. The Chinese side has lodged solemn representation to the Japanese side.
    台湾问题事关中日关系政治基础。日方在台湾问题上对中国人民负有历史罪责,尤其需要谨言慎行。我们严肃要求日方停止干涉中国内政,不得向“台独”势力发出错误信号。 The Taiwan question concerns the political foundation of China-Japan relations. On the Taiwan question, the Japanese side bears historical responsibilities to the Chinese people for its past crimes and should especially be prudent with its words and actions. We seriously ask Japan to stop interfering in China's domestic affairs, and refrain from sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" forces.

    10 印度报业托拉斯记者:是否有报道显示,在阿富汗“东伊运”是“伊斯兰国”的一部分? PTI: Are there any reports that in Afghanistan, ETIM is part of IS? 赵立坚:我不掌握你所说的有关情况。 Zhao Lijian: I have no information on your question.


    法新社记者:第一,你能否确认美国总统气候问题特使克里下周将要访华?第二,由中国公司承建的内罗毕建筑工地发生了起重机倒塌事故。你能否提供更多信息? AFP: Firstly, can you confirm reports that the US climate envoy John Kerry will visit China next week? Secondly, do you have any details about the crane collapse at a Nairobi construction site operated by the Chinese construction company? 赵立坚:关于克里访华的问题,我目前没有可以发布的消息。 Zhao Lijian: On John Kerry's visit, I don't have anything to offer at the moment. 
    关于你的第二个问题,我不掌握有关情况,请向有关部门或使馆了解。 On your second question, I am not aware of the relevant situation and would like to refer you to competent authorities or the embassy. 



    AFP: Taiwan officials said yesterday that they will tighten economic espionage laws in order to protect trade secrets from being leaked to Chinese companies. Does the foreign ministry have a comment on this?


    Zhao Lijian: This is not a diplomatic issue. Please refer to the competent authorities. 

    以上就是【双语】例行记者会 2021-8-27的全部内容,希望对你有所帮助!

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