1. Write sth. about your childhood and share with us.
2. Air your opinion about Children's Day as an adult.
3. DIY one topic as you like, but remember to stick to the theme of it.
Time flies. Childhood has been a remote past for us. We are no longer children, who live in carefree peace and quiet, enjoying our parents love. We've grown up, yet we are still young. As the sun is the glorious Lamp of Heaven, the higher it rises, the nearer it is to the setting. We treasure our time, keep hold of it, in order to fulfill our dream in life. For me, the Children's Day is a reminder, calling upon us to do adults should do, while to live like kids sometimes. Passion, curiosity, innocence, those words which chacraterize children, ought to specialize us adults. Actually, with these qualities, we live alive.