VOA慢速英语: 希拉里•克林顿宣布参加2016年的总统竞选
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    Hillary Clinton Announces 2016 Campaign for President

    “I’m running for president.” Hillary Clinton kicks off heranticipated campaign for the presidency with a videoposted on YouTube.

    With her second run for the White House, the former first lady and Secretary of State is hoping to become the first female president of the United States. In thecampaign video, she says, “Everyday Americans needa champion. I want to be that champion.”

    Ms. Clinton is expected to visit the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire shortly with a message of economic equality. She says, “So I’m hitting the road to earn your vote.Because it’s your time. And I hope you’ll join me in this journey.”

    Ms. Clinton enters the 2016 presidential campaign as a favorite to win theDemocratic nomination. Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley andformer Senator Jim Webb of Virginia are potential rivals, but neither hasreceived much in the way of campaign contributions or support from the party.

    Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report said, “In some way, Hillary isrunning against herself. She’s got to show herself relevant in the 21st century.”

    However the road to victory for Ms. Clinton will not be easy.

    Republican challenges ahead

    On the Republican side, Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul ofKentucky have already announced their candidacy.

    Hillary Clinton announces her 2016 campaign for the White House.

    There are many more Republicans getting ready to challenge Ms. Clinton.They include former Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida,Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, and former Governor Rick Perry of Texas. Even former business executiveCarly Fiorina said that she is “seriously considering running.”

    Facing a generation gap

    Ms. Clinton has been a well-known figure in American politics for more thantwo decades since her husband, Bill Clinton, was elected to the White Housein 1992. As first lady, Ms. Clinton led the failed effort to provide national healthcare. She later won an election to represent New York as a U.S. Senator priorto becoming Secretary of State.

    Political analyst Stuart Rothenberg feels Ms. Clinton’s negative is her age. She’s 67 and would be close to 70 if she were to take the presidency. Herannouncement on YouTube is an attempt to reach out to young voters. Mr.Rothenberg noted, “We are a country and a culture these days where 15minutes ago is ancient history, and voters always want something new andfresh.”

    During an appearance on ABC’s This Week, former Governor O’Malleyemphasized this point saying, “the presidency of the United States is notsome crown to be passed between two families."

    Surrounded with controversy

    Ms. Clinton once famously said that her family was a target of the so-called “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

    A recent Congressional inquiry on Benghazi, Libya revealed that Ms. Clintonused a private email server to conduct government business as Secretary ofState. Ms. Clinton insisted that she did not violate any rules by using theprivate email, but Republicans were quick to denounce the practice. SenatorRubio of Florida said that, “If there was anything in those emails that wassensitive in nature, not just classified, God forbid, even sensitive, I think itputs national security at risk.” Senator Rubio is planning to announce his ownrun for the White House later this week.

    The Clinton Global Initiative is a philanthropic foundation established by theformer president and his family to improve the lives of people around theworld. The foundation has accepted donations from foreign countries includingSaudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia, Norway and the Netherlands.

    Republican Senator Rand Paul, an announced candidate for the White House,criticized the foreign donations. In an interview with Politico, he said, “Incountries that stone people to death for adultery and imprison people foradultery, this is the kind of thing you would think someone for women’s rightswould be standing up against, instead of accepting thinly veiled bribes.”

    Clinton possesses advantages

    Ms. Clinton possesses some advantages over other candidates in thecampaign for the presidency. “She’s got experience, both domestic andforeign policy,” political analyst Stuart Rothenberg said. “She got rave reviewsin terms of her energy and her enthusiasm in the work she did as Secretary ofState, and that’s a plus. Frankly, she’s a woman, and that’s a huge asset.”

    Despite the email and foreign donations controversy, the former Secretary ofState still leads all potential rivals according to the Washington Post-ABC News poll taken at the end of March.

    Professor Larry Sabato, of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, saidthat the early polls are “worthless.” He added “it’s impossible to project ageneral election for president yet. That depends on events that haven’thappened, that depends on how popular or unpopular President Obama, theincumbent Democrat is in the fall of 2016. It depends on where the economyis. It depends on whether we are in a hot war or not. There are too manyunknowns for anyone to project the 2016 election, that is anyone who has anysense.”

    When Ms. Clinton ran for the presidency in 2008, she led then-SenatorObama by as many as 33 points in the same poll.


    Words in This Story

    favorite – n. a person most likely to win

    rivals – n. something or someone that is as good or almost as good asanother person or thing

    conspiracy – n. a secret plan made by two or more people to do somethingthat is harmful or illegal

    inquiry – n. an official effort to collect and examine information aboutsomething

    incumbent – n. a person who holds a particular office or position


    Hillary Clinton Announces 2016 Campaign for President

    希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)宣布参加2016年的总统竞选

    “I’m running for president.” Hillary Clinton kicks off her anticipated campaign for the presidency with a video posted on YouTube.


    With her second run for the White House, the former first lady and Secretary of State is hoping to becomethe first female president of the United States. In thecampaign video, she says, “Everyday Americans needa champion. I want to be that champion.”


    Ms. Clinton is expected to visit the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire shortly with a message of economic equality. She says, “So I’m hitting the road to earn your vote.Because it’s your time. And I hope you’ll join me in this journey.”


    Ms. Clinton enters the 2016 presidential campaign as a favorite to win the Democratic nomination. Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley andformer Senator Jim Webb of Virginia are potential rivals, but neither has received much in the way of campaign contributions or support from the party.


    Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report said, “In some way, Hillary is running against herself. She’s got to show herself relevant in the 21st century.”


    However the road to victory for Ms. Clinton will not be easy.


    Republican challenges ahead


    On the Republican side, Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul ofKentucky have already announced their candidacy.


    There are many more Republicans getting ready to challenge Ms. Clinton.They include former Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida,Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, and former Governor Rick Perry of Texas. Even former business executive Carly Fiorina said that she is “seriously considering running.”


    Facing a generation gap


    Ms. Clinton has been a well-known figure in American politics for more than two decades since her husband, Bill Clinton, was elected to the White Housein 1992. As first lady, Ms. Clinton led the failed effort to provide national healthcare. She later won an election to represent New York as a U.S. Senator priorto becoming Secretary of State.


    Political analyst Stuart Rothenberg feels Ms. Clinton’s negative is her age. She’s 67 and would be close to 70 if she were to take the presidency. Her announcement on YouTube is an attempt to reach out to young voters. Mr.Rothenberg noted, “We are a country and a culture these days where 15minutes ago is ancient history, and voters always want something new andfresh.”

    政治分析家Stuart Rothenberg感觉克林顿女士的劣势是她的年龄。她已经67岁了,马上就70了。她在YouTube上的视频就是为了获取年轻人的选票。Rothenberg先生表示,“我们的国家文化在15分钟之前都将成为历史,选民们需要的是新鲜的东西”。

    During an appearance on ABC’s This Week, former Governor O’Malley emphasized this point saying, “the presidency of the United States is not some crown to be passed between two families."


    Surrounded with controversy


    Ms. Clinton once famously said that her family was a target of the so-called “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

    克林顿女士曾经说过她的家庭是所谓的“vast right-wing conspiracy”的目标。

    A recent Congressional inquiry on Benghazi, Libya revealed that Ms. Clinton used a private email server to conduct government business as Secretary of State. Ms. Clinton insisted that she did not violate any rules by using the private email, but Republicans were quick to denounce the practice. Senator Rubio of Florida said that, “If there was anything in those emails that was sensitive in nature, not just classified, God forbid, even sensitive, I think it puts national security at risk.” Senator Rubio is planning to announce his own run for the White House later this week.

    最近的一次关于利比亚班加西的国会调查显示作为国务卿克林顿女士使用一个私人邮件服务器引导政府商业。克林顿女士坚称,她并没有违反任何规则使用私人邮件,但是共和党人迅速谴责这种做法。佛罗里达州参议员卢比奥说“如果有任何在这些电子邮件在本质上是敏感的,不仅仅是机密,上帝保佑,即使是敏感的,我觉得这是在置国家安全于不顾” 参议员卢比奥在这周晚些时候也会宣布他的总统竞选。

    The Clinton Global Initiative is a philanthropic foundation established by the former president and his family to improve the lives of people around the world. The foundation has accepted donations from foreign countries including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia, Norway and the Netherlands.


    Republican Senator Rand Paul, an announced candidate for the White House,criticized the foreign donations. In an interview with Politico, he said, “In countries that stone people to death for adultery and imprison people for adultery, this is the kind of thing you would think someone for women’s rights would be standing up against, instead of accepting thinly veiled bribes.”


    Clinton possesses advantages


    Ms. Clinton possesses some advantages over other candidates in thecampaign for the presidency. “She’s got experience, both domestic and foreign policy,” political analyst Stuart Rothenberg said. “She got rave reviews in terms of her energy and her enthusiasm in the work she did as Secretary ofState, and that’s a plus. Frankly, she’s a woman, and that’s a huge asset.”

    在总统大选中克林顿女士也有其他竞选者没有的一些优势。她在国内和外交政策上都有经验。政客Stuart Rothenberg说“她的精力充沛,作为国务卿期间的工作热情,这就是加分。坦率的说作为一个女人这是巨大的资本”。

    Despite the email and foreign donations controversy, the former Secretary of State still leads all potential rivals according to the Washington Post-ABC News poll taken at the end of March.


    Professor Larry Sabato, of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, saidthat the early polls are “worthless.” He added “it’s impossible to project a general election for president yet. That depends on events that haven’thappened, that depends on how popular or unpopular President Obama, the incumbent Democrat is in the fall of 2016. It depends on where the economyis. It depends on whether we are in a hot war or not. There are too manyunknowns for anyone to project the 2016 election, that is anyone who has anysense.”


    When Ms. Clinton ran for the presidency in 2008, she led then-SenatorObama by as many as 33 points in the same poll.



    Words in This Story

    favorite – n. a person most likely to win

    rivals – n. something or someone that is as good or almost as good asanother person or thing

    conspiracy – n. a secret plan made by two or more people to do somethingthat is harmful or illegal

    inquiry – n. an official effort to collect and examine information aboutsomething

    incumbent – n. a person who holds a particular office or position

      上一篇:VOA慢速英语:肯尼亚人民担忧国家安全和腐败问题 下一篇:VOA慢速英语:马克卢比奥宣布竞选总统


