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    An NFT-funded animated series starring Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, Chris Rock, Jane Fonda, and more has been fined $1 million by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for conducting an unregistered offering of crypto asset securities and misleading its investors.
    由Ashton Kutcher、Mila Kunis、Chris Rock、Jane Fonda等主演的一部由NFT资助的动画片因未注册发行加密资产证券并误导投资者而被美国证券交易委员会(SEC)罚款100万美元。

    Stoner Cats, which follows a group of sentient cats as they look after their marijuana-smoking owner who is suffering from early Alzheimer's disease, sold more than 10,000 NFTs for a profit of $8 million in order to finance the series. By doing so, the SEC said that the series' creators, Stoner Cats 2 LLC (SC2), violated the Securities Act of 1933 by "offering and selling these crypto asset securities to the public in an unregistered offering that was not exempt from registration," per a press release.
    《Stoner Cats》讲述了一群有感知能力的猫照顾患有早期阿尔茨海默病的吸食大麻的主人的故事,为了资助该系列,该剧售出了1万多只NFT,利润为800万美元。美国证券交易委员会在一份新闻稿中表示,该系列的创作者Stoner Cats 2 LLC(SC2)违反了1933年《证券法》,“在未注册的发行中向公众发行和出售这些加密资产证券,该发行不免除注册”。

    As part of its marketing strategy, Stoner Cats' team reportedly boasted about the highlights of owning one of its NFTs, including the option to re-sell it for a higher profit in the future. It also "emphasized its expertise as Hollywood producers, its knowledge of crypto projects, and the well-known actors involved in the web series, leading investors to expect profits because a successful web series could cause the resale value of the Stoner Cats NFTs in the secondary market to rise," according to the release.
    据报道,作为其营销战略的一部分,Stoner Cats的团队吹嘘拥有其一款NFT的亮点,包括可以选择在未来转售以获得更高的利润。新闻稿称,该公司还“强调了其作为好莱坞制片人的专业知识、对加密货币项目的了解,以及参与网络连续剧的知名演员,这让投资者期待利润,因为一部成功的网络连续剧可能会导致Stoner Cats NFT在二级市场的转售价值上升”。

    The SEC also found that the company had configured the NFTs in a way that provided itself with a 2.5 percent royalty each time that the original NFT was subsequently purchased online, causing purchasers to spend over $20 million over the course of at least 10,000 transactions.

    "Without admitting or denying the SEC's findings, SC2 agreed to a cease-and-desist order and to pay a civil penalty of $1 million," the release stated. "The order establishes a Fair Fund to return monies that injured investors paid to purchase the NFTs. SC2 also agreed to destroy all NFTs in its possession or control and publish notice of the order on its website and social media channels."

    "Registration of securities, including crypto asset securities, protects investors by providing them with disclosures so they can make informed investing decisions," Carolyn Welshhans, Associate Director of the SEC's Home Office, said in a statement. "Stoner Cats wanted all the benefits of offering and selling a security to the public but ignored the legal responsibilities that come with doing so."
    美国证券交易委员会内政部副主任Carolyn Welshhans在一份声明中表示:“包括加密资产证券在内的证券注册通过向投资者提供披露信息来保护投资者,使他们能够做出明智的投资决策。”。“Stoner Cats想要向公众提供和出售证券的所有好处,但忽视了这样做所带来的法律责任。”

    On its website, Stoner Cats — which was created by Ash Brannon (Surf's Up, Rock Dog), Chris Cartagena, and Sarah Cole — states that Kunis and her partners at Orchard Farm Productions were touched by the series' premise and, to support it, "formed a formidable collective of voice talent, animators, and creatives of all kinds to come together with technology and NFT experts (including the brilliant minds behind CryptoKitties) to bring this story to life using NFTs."
    在其网站上,由Ash Brannon(《冲浪吧,摇滚狗》)、Chris Cartagena和Sarah Cole创作的Stoner Cats表示,Kunis和她在Orchard Farm Productions的合作伙伴被该系列的前提所打动,为了支持它,“组建了一个由各种配音人才、动画师和创意人员组成的强大团队,与技术和NFT专家(包括CryptoKitties背后的聪明人)一起,用NFT将这个故事变成现实。”

    Kunis is also credited as a member of the series' production team and blockchain team on its website.

    It added, "Stoner Cats NFTs gave holders access to the content creators of the show, making it one of the first projects to use NFTs to create a community of holders who get to see behind the curtain as an animated series is made and interact directly with top-level Hollywood talent."
    它补充道,“Stoner Cats NFT让持有者可以接触到该剧的内容创作者,使其成为首批使用NFT创建持有者社区的项目之一,这些持有者可以在制作动画系列时看到幕后,并与好莱坞顶级人才直接互动。”
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