Recently, the App shows that due to the failure to fulfill the payment obligations determined by the effective legal documents on time, Li Yapeng and his brother Li Yawei were restricted to high consumption, the applicant was Beijing Taihe Youlian Investment Co., LTD., the execution court was the Chaoyang District People's Court of Beijing. The case flow showed that in April this year, the two had been imposed 40 million.
新浪娱乐讯 近日,天眼查App显示,因未按时履行生效法律文书确定的给付义务,李亚鹏及哥哥李亚炜被限制高消费,申请人为北京泰和友联投资有限公司,执行法院为北京市朝阳区人民法院。案件流程显示,今年4月,两人已被强制执行4000万。
Relevant documents show that Beijing Taihe Youlian Investment Co., Ltd. invested 60 million yuan in the company of Li Yapeng brothers (Lijiang Snow Mountain Investment Co., LTD.), and agreed to obtain 10% of the shares of Snow Mountain Company, and Taihe Youlian Company first recovered the agreed fixed equity income of 40 million yuan after the expiration of the three-year development cycle of the project. Because Li Yapeng's party has not paid the relevant money, Taihe Union Company in the payment after no success, Li Yapeng, Li Yawei and the guarantee company to the Chaoyang District People's Court of Beijing. The court of first instance ruled that Li Yapeng and Li Yawei should pay 40 million yuan and interest to Taihe Union Company.