佩姬·德索博穿着价值5600美元的水晶粉色Miu Miu内裤走上BravoCon红毯
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    Paige DeSorbo is taking the saying "go big or go home" quite literally!


    While attending BravoCon 2023 in Las Vegas on Saturday, the Summer House star ditched her pants in favor of a Miu Miu's pink embellished wool-silk panties.

    周六在拉斯维加斯参加BravoCon 2023时,这位夏日之屋的明星脱下了裤子,选择了Miu Miu的粉色装饰羊毛丝绸内裤。

    The underwear, which retails for $5,600, is covered in sequin and crystal embellishments. DeSorbo paired it with a white, collared shirt, also from the designer brand.


    In fact, DeSorbo, 30, kept the Miu Miu going by accessorizing her ensemble with sparkly Miu Miu hair clips. She also wore silver jewelry and beige pumps.

    事实上,30岁的DeSorbo用闪闪发光的Miu Miu发夹来装饰她的服装,让Miu Miu继续流行。她还佩戴了银饰和米色高跟鞋。

    PEOPLE caught up with the Bravolebrity on the red carpet, where she opened up about the inspiration behind her look. "I'm wearing no pants because we're in Vegas," she said.


    "I'm surprised so many people are wearing pants," DeSorbo added. "So, I wanted to wear no pants."


    DeSorbo then joked that it's "warm" and "toasty" because of the Las Vegas weather, so she doesn't feel chilly in her pantsless fit.


    Although she didn't hold back with her BravoCon fashion, DeSorbo could only provide a tease for the upcoming eighth season of Summer House. Heading into the new season, fans will get a glimpse at the lead-up and fallout from costars Lindsay Hubbard and Carl Radke's recent split.


    "Honestly, I think you guys all have to wait until like the season's out to see what happens each weekend because I think it will definitely make a lot more sense in terms of them, maybe calling it off and maybe potentially postponing it," she explained. "So I think it's definitely the viewers will see a lot more of the ins and outs once the season comes out."


    On day one of the weekend-long event, DeSorbo revealed during the "Fashionistas" panel alongside  The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Dorit Kemsley and The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City's Meredith Marks that she had multiple outfits planned for the Las Vegas affair.

    在周末活动的第一天,DeSorbo在与《比佛利山庄的真实主妇》的Dorit Kemsley和《盐湖城的真实主妇》的Meredith Marks一起的“时尚达人”小组中透露,她为拉斯维加斯的婚外情计划了多套衣服。

      上一篇:美国男演员安迪·科恩在金·佐恰克的离婚拍卖上:“我们为俱乐部买了她的一顶假发。” 下一篇:美国喜剧演员波利·肖尔在脱口秀节目中向德鲁·巴里摩尔求婚并震惊全场:“我正式结婚了”

