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    Joost Klein

    The Netherlands' singer was barred from rehearsals on Friday night while the event organizer, European Broadcasting Union, is investigating an unspecified "backstage incident" involving Klein, according to the BBC. The juries who watch these rehearsals to determine scores for the finale were shown a taped performance of Klein's from earlier in the week in his absence.
    Klein's uncertain status in the competition is noteworthy as, per the BBC, his song "Europapa" — which is dedicated to his parents, both of whom died when Klein was young — is "considered one of the front-runners at this year's contest."
    Onlookers first noticed something was amiss during the first dress rehearsal at Malmö Arena in Sweden on Friday. The singer's props were set up on stage when someone with the production instructed them to be removed. Then, his performance was skipped over, and Israel's entrant Eden Golan took the stage.
    The EBU issued a statement half an hour before the second dress rehearsal explaining Klein's absence in the wake of an "ongoing" investigation, according to reports.
    "While the investigation continues the EBU has decided that Joost Klein will not perform during Dress Rehearsal 2 of the competition which is voted on by juries in the 37 participating countries," an EBU statement read. "His performance from Semi Final 2 will be used instead. We have no further comment at this time and will update in due course."
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