1. APEC蓝 APEC blue
11月,北京APEC会议周期间,污染严重的北京市出现了久违的蓝天,中国网友戏称其为“APEC蓝”。同时,这一表述还被引申为“转瞬即逝的美好”。网友造句:He is not that into you, it's just APEC blue.
"APEC blue" is a popular phrase coined by China's netizens to describe the blue sky in the heavily-polluted Beijing during the APEC week, which was a result of tough emission-reduction measures. The Chinese people hope to make APEC blue a "new normal".
APEC期间的减排措施包括:周边城市工厂停产(the suspension of production by factories in neighboring cities)、北京及周边城市上路机动车减半(cutting the number of motor vehicles on road by half in Beijing and neighboring cities)等。
一些专家表示,要努力把“APEC蓝”留住,需要地方政府把“临时减排”变成真的不排,把“临时抱佛脚”变成自觉转变发展方式(change the development mode)、淘汰落后产能(phase out backward production capacities)。在此过程中,“发展权(the right to development)”与“健康权(the right to health)”始终在博弈。