10. Wake Up Call campaign 起床照挑战
冰桶挑战的热度还没有过去,国外的明星们又在社交网站上呼吁参加新挑战——“起床照挑战” 。参与的名人们要发布自己在床上醒来时的自拍照,照片带着#起床照挑战#联合国儿童基金会的字样,每个人点名其他三个人做同样的事情,此举意在引起对“联合国儿童基金会”的关注并为其捐款。
The brand new Internet craze involves celebrities posting selfies of themselves as they wake up in bed - and aims to raise money and awareness for UNICEF. Pictures are posted with the hashtag #WAKEUPCALL #UNICEF - with each person nominating three others to do the same.
Naomi Campbell was among the first to post her picture first thing in the morning and the glamorous supermodel wore a simple white camisole nightie while lying among luxurious white bedding.