Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai (1st L) addresses the ceremony of
the Chinese Government Friendship Award in Beijing, capital of China,
Sept. 29, 2014. The "Friendship Award" is an annual award
issued by the Chinese government to honor
outstanding foreign experts in China. [Photo/Xinhua]
China will expand the favorable visa policies of its 1,000 Talents Plan to 55 programs nationwide to attract leading professionals to work in the country.
中国将增加55项人才引进计划,可比照 “千人计划”享受有利的签证政策,以吸引高级人才来华工作。
“千人计划”即我们所说的“海外高层次人才引进计划”,可以用1,000 Talents Plan/Thousand Talents Program 表示。2008年,中央决定实施“千人计划”, 经过此计划引进的人才在申请签证(visa application),居住许可证(residence permit),在华落户(settling in China)及出入境(exit and entry)等方面享受优惠政策。
《通知》明确说明被纳入备案的55项各地人才计划项目,均可比照国家“千人计划”为引进的外籍高层次人才和家属办理人才签证、永久居留(permanent residence)等手续,即中国绿卡(Chinese green cards)。
此次《通知》下发后,降低了人才引进的门槛(lower threshold for talent),扩大了人才签证的适用范围(expanding the scope of talent visas)。自“千人计划”实施以来,引进高层次人才(high-end talents)总数4100余人。