Passengers file through the ticket gates at Beijing Railway Station on Thursday. Millions of people have embarked on their trips home as Spring Festival approaches. WANG JING / CHINA DAILY
Third-party assessments will be made of the performances of transportation departments under the central government during the annual Spring Festival travel peak, or chunyun.
进行春运third-party assessments(第三方评价)的机构将通过网站征求公众意见(seek public opinion),从售票便利(ticket sales)、站场秩序、卫生环境、信息服务(publicizing information)、公共交通、志愿者服务等不同侧面对春运工作进行评价,听取群众意见和建议。
目前,铁路部门对春运期间的退票实行梯次退票方案(tiered ticket refund policy)。乘客可以在中国大陆地区任何一个火车站办理火车票退票(return their train tickets)。实名购票制(ID-based ticket booking system)的实施,不仅方便了乘客购票,也打击了黄牛囤票行为。