
Chinese President Xi Jinping has advised young people to avoid staying up late or becoming too stressed at work when meeting the country's county-level officials.
“熬夜”可以用英文stay up late/stay up all night表示,熬夜的地道表达还有burn the candle,pull an all-nighter,sit up。而一些人喜欢晚睡晚起,这样的习惯可以表达成keep late hours。
习大大在会上提起自己的经历,称自己“年轻想干好多事,经常通宵达旦”(burn night/mid-night oil),变得经常生病。后来习大大意识到“手里攥着千头万绪,但是一次针眼只能穿过一条线”(Even if work piles up, one can only do one piece of work a time),便改变了方法,“今天(晚上)做到12点,就不做了,睡大觉,第二天重新来过。”(go to bed before midnight every day, starting over the next day.)
习大大的这番话在微博上获得了8000多粉丝点赞(thump up),并引发了网友热烈讨论。有网友十分赞同,并称“习大大请把工作不得超过11点写进宪法(prohibiting working overtime past 11:00 pm should be written into law)!” 熬夜伤身,夜猫子们(night owl/person)听大大的话,晚上早点睡觉吧。