The Palace Museum, also known as The Forbidden City in Beijing plans to retrieve its lost cultural relics, the museum said in a report on Tuesday. 北京故宫博物院(又称紫禁城)23日发布报告称,故宫计划追索流散文物。
“流散文物追索”可以用retrieve lost cultural relics表示。Retrieve 表示找回,重新获得,比如追讨官员赃款(retrieve officials' illegal gains),找到遗体(retrieve bodies)。文物可以用cultural relics / historical artifacts表示。
抗日战争(the War of Resistance Against Japan)时期,为了使故宫博物院文物免遭破坏和掠夺,1933年起,故宫开始向华南地区转移这些国家宝藏(evacuate the national treasures)。二战结束后,部分藏品(part of the collections)归还故宫博物院,有些仍留在南京,还有一小部分被转移到台湾。根据《故宫保护总体规划2013-2025》,故宫博物院将建立流散文物清单(establish a list of lost historical artifacts),制定未来10年回归计划(plans to retrieve them)。