Ecstatic shock is the surge of energy upon catching a glance from someone you like—a thrill that starts in your stomach, arcs up through your lungs and flashes into a spontaneous smile—which scrambles your ungrounded circuits and tempts you to chase that feeling with a kite and a key.
Ecstatic shock指看到你喜欢的人时产生的一种能量,这种让你振奋的感觉从胃部开始,穿过肺部,然后闪过脸颊成为一个情不自禁的微笑,这感觉抢占了你的内部“电路系统”(内心),诱使你进一步探索并追逐这种感觉。这也就是我们所说的“触电的感觉”。
For example:
The ecstatic shock I got when I first saw Jane was so strong that I couldn't help asking for her hand on our second date.