Corrupt officials, from high-ranking executives to lowly bureaucrats, are getting more sophisticated in evading investigations, an anti-graft newspaper reported.
《中国纪检监察报》(China Discipline Inspection Daily)披露,腐败分子的反调查意识和能力越来越强,对抗组织调查也越来越频繁。(Corrupt officials' awareness and ability in counter-investigation have become more and more powerful, and they have shown a more frequent action to fight back.)
记者梳理发现,对抗组织审查的“方式方法”主要有:编造谎言(fabricate lies)、订立攻守同盟(agreed with others not to give away each other)、 串供(collude with others to devise a consistent story)、转移赃款(transfer ill-gotten wealth)、销毁伪造证据(destroy or made up evidence)以拖延调查工作(to stall investigation efforts)。
有的在省纪委对其有关问题进行初核时数次找人串供,甚至专门模拟问话(simulate an investigator's questioning process),更有甚者,采取打击报复举报人(take revenge on whistle-blowers)的方式对抗组织审查。
不过,该报同时指出,尽管一些贪官试图瞒骗反贪人员(outwit graft-busters),但最后也难逃党纪国法的严惩。