A Chinese woman shows credit cards and other bank cards in Qionghai city, South China's Hainan province, April 14, 2012. The non-performing loans' ratio of China's commercial banks reached 1.67 percent, up 8 basis points quarter-on-quarter by the fourth quarter of last year.[Photo/IC]
That brought about a need to hire specialist debt-collection agencies, particularly in regions where credit expanded and economic growth slowed, said analysts.
从事这一行业的则被称为“职业讨债人”(debt collector),他们的工作就是向各种欠款者催账(debt collection),比如向信用卡欠款人(credit cardholders who defaulted on their repayments)等。
在过去几年,中国的银行、P2P借贷平台(peer-to-peer lending platforms)、小额贷款公司(microfinance companies)等机构的不良贷款(non-performing loans or NPL)问题加剧。这也催生了“职业讨债”这一行当。
“讨债公司”也要合法经营。如按期不归还欠款,讨债公司会与律所合作,使用法律途径,如发律师函(dispatch lawyer notices),甚至起诉(file lawsuits)。