From elementary school through high school, students are faced with a tremendous amount of pressure to get good grades, so much so that their mental well-being is at risk.
Research has shown that there is a clear correlation between grades and suicide risk. 16-year-old students with the lowest grades are three times more likely to commit suicide than those at the top of the class. Something needs to change. All too many adults seem to be oblivious to the issue of mental health in schools, especially in regard to grade obsession.
【“分数控”父母自查】 “分数控”父母的典型表现是:考试前,经常提醒孩子“认真复习,争取考出好成绩。”考试后,迫不及待地问孩子“考得怎么样?题目难不难?估计能考多少分?”发布成绩后,分数成了“晴雨表”,分数高即对孩子满面春风,分数低则对孩子冷颜相对、冷嘲热讽。