2007年1月,一群认同 “green bird” 理念的生活在巴黎的日本人设立了 “green bird” 巴黎支部,开始了他们每月一次的跨国捡垃圾志愿者活动。
当看到真正的巴黎时,有一部分日本人会因其脏乱差而感到恶心、失眠、恐惧,甚至还出现了自杀倾向,平均每年有上百名日本人患上这种“巴黎症候群”,据说就连日本的驻法国大使馆都设有热线电话,专门帮助因为巴黎环境太脏而感到不适的日本游客。从2004年开始,“巴黎症候群”成为一个正式的心理疾病名称,还有了英文翻译“Paris syndrome”。
Paris syndrome is a transient psychological disorder exhibited by some individuals when visiting or vacationing in a place drastically foreign from their own.
It is characterized by a number of psychiatric symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, feelings of persecution (perceptions of being a victim of prejudice, aggression, or hostility from others), derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, and also psychosomatic manifestations such as dizziness, tachycardia, sweating, and others.
Similar syndromes include Jerusalem syndrome and Stendhal syndrome. The condition is commonly viewed as a severe form of culture shock. It is particularly noted among Japanese travellers.