Humblebrag 谦虚自夸
Humblebrag, the combination of humble and brag, is the lowest, most despicable and loathsome form of self promotion, often delivered in one or two fragmented sentences on social media.
A typical and popular approach is to use a disingenuous complaint about something, a self-deprecating statement or a comment on something completely innocuous, as a vehicle to deliver the real message, which invariably shows the person in a favorable light. In fact it shows what an attention seeking and insecure person they really are.
Underbrag 自黑
Underbrag is when you brag your own disaster or situation that one would not normally brag about.
Skilled underbraggers can get away with doing so because the underbrag is not fake like the brag brag; it reveals intimate life details that are interesting and probably even embarrassing; also, it does not show any inclination to hold back or attempt to hide the truth about the person beyond the brag.
It is a sign of both authenticity and enthusiasm. And power. If you can underbrag and not get fired, grounded, or shamed into brag-bragging, you are a force to contend with indeed.
"I biked drunk last night and fell in a ditch and you should see the bruises!"
"I woke up with all of my clothes on, including my glasses and boots, and a bucket of chicken wings next to me. I then stumbled to the bathroom, where I discovered a goat in my bathtub! Whatta night!"