Drolma, a Tibetan woman in Ganzi, Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China's Sichuan Province, was reported to have released 6,387 goats to a prairie in Sertar County after she saved them from slaughter houses with 5.1 million yuan of donated money, organized by a group called "Snowland Release Group".
There have been a number of reports recently in China in which captive animals were released randomly into the wild by animal activists or by those following a Buddhist ritual known as "fangsheng" or "release life" which demonstrates spiritual compassion and piety by releasing captive animals back into nature.
放生的英文表达是release life,盲目放生的英文表达则是random releasing of captive animals to the wild。卓玛放生事件在微博上得到了网民的极大关注,有些网友认为卓玛是做善事,也有些网友担心草原里突然增加这么多羊,会危害草原的生态系统(endanger the prairie's ecosystem)。
新修订的《野生动物保护法》规定,任何组织和个人将野生动物放生至野外环境,应当选择适合放生地野外生存的当地物种(indigenous species),不得干扰当地居民的正常生活、生产,避免对生态系统造成危害。随意放生野生动物(frees captive animals in a reckless manner),造成他人人身、财产损害或者危害生态系统(causes property damage or physical injury to others, or jeopardizes the ecosystem)的,依法承担法律责任(be held accountable)。