A chocoholic is a person who craves or compulsively consumes chocolate.
For chocoholics, little can be done to restrain their cravings.
There is some medical evidence to support the existence of actual addiction to chocolate. However, the term is mostly used loosely or humorously to describe a person who is inordinately fond of chocolate.
The word chocoholic was first used in 1968 according to Merriam-Webster. It is a portmanteau of "chocolate" and "alcoholic".
据韦氏词典,“巧克力狂”首次在1968年使用,是"chocolate" (巧克力)和 "alcoholic"(酗酒者)两个单词的混成词。
'Chocoholism' is quite common. In studies of food cravings, chocolate and chocolate confectioneries almost always top the list of foods people say they crave.