在假日期间仍然照常工作和学习,日子和平时没什么两样,这样的假日可用“a busman's holiday”来表达。
Busman's holiday refers to a holiday that you spend doing the same kind of thing that you usually do for your job.
If you have a holiday, but spend it doing something similar to your usual work, you can refer to it as a busman's holiday .
早在19世纪,英国人出门常常乘坐“公共马车”。据说,马车车主大都疼爱自己的“马”,常常利用休息日装扮成乘客,偷偷坐在自家的马车上,以确保车夫善待马匹。久而久之,“a busman's holiday”应运而生,用来形容“没有休息的节假日”。
My father spent a busman's holiday working in his office.