《巡视利剑》 播出 落马官员忏悔
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    《巡视利剑》 播出 落马官员忏悔


    The documentary, named Sharp Sword of Inspection, highlighted the strategy of using inspections as tools to boost clean governance amid the country's unprecedented campaign of fighting corruption.


    早在2013年4月25日,习近平总书记主持中央政治局常委会会议,审议《中央巡视工作领导小组第一次会议研究部署巡视工作情况的报告》时强调,“巡视是党章赋予的重要职责,是加强党的建设的重要举措,是从严治党、维护党纪的重要手段,是加强党内监督的重要形式(discipline inspection is an important responsibility under the Party Constitution, a major step to strengthen the Party buildup, significant means to exercise strict governance of the Party and maintain Party discipline, and an important form to improve intra-Party supervision)。”

    《巡视利剑》 播出 落马官员忏悔


    十八大以来,中央12轮巡视共处理来信来访159万件次,与党员干部和群众谈话5.3万人次,发现各类突出问题8200余个。十八届党中央开展了12轮巡视,共巡视277个党组织(The discipline inspection commission has launched 12 rounds of inspections at 277 Party organizations),对16个省区市进行了“回头看”(reexaminations),对4个中央单位开展了机动式巡视(mobile inspections),兑现了全覆盖的政治承诺。


    官商勾结 collusion between government officials and business owners/government-business corruption

    小官巨腐 corruption by low-level officials who engage in an astonishing number of bribery and money-for-position deals

    车房超标 misconduct in government car use and housing allocation for officials

    干部亲属利用职权经商谋利 relatives of officials using the officials' influence to seek commercial gains

    利用节庆及婚丧嫁娶收受礼金 taking festival celebrations and weddings or funerals as opportunities to receive "red envelopes," or gift money

    买官卖官 lobbying for promotions or money-for-position deals

    搞“小圈子” formation of "small coteries" or factions among officials


    贿赂 bribery

    勒索 extortion

    任人唯亲 cronyism

    裙带关系 nepotism

    庇护 patronage

    以权谋私 influence peddling

    贪污 graft/corruption

    挪用公款 embezzlement

      上一篇:国务院常务会议确定推进质量认证体系建设的措施 下一篇:飓风“艾玛”登陆佛罗里达州 超600万人撤离


