Employees work at the distribution center of a courier company in Weifang city, East China's Shandong province, Nov 12, 2017. Courier companies were running at full speed to deliver massive number of parcels after Alibaba Group's 11.11 Singles Day global online shopping spree on Nov 11. [Photo/Xinhua]
The State Post Bureau(SPB) recently announced specific goals to green the courier sector.
By 2020, half of external packages should be degradable, 90 percent of waybills electronic, and packing material consumed for each parcel cut by 10 percent, the SPB said in a document.
胶带(tape)、缓冲气泡袋(cushions)以及塑料袋(plastic bags)等包装材料的主要成分是聚氯乙烯(polyvinyl chloride),这些材料使用过后一般都被送往垃圾掩埋场(landfills),需要数百年才能降解,如果对这些材料进行燃烧处理,则会产生污染物(pollutants)。
有分析指出,去年我国共产生600万吨包装垃圾(packaging waste),其中只有不到10%的包装材料是可回收再利用的,而处理这些垃圾的花费将超过90亿元。
此外,纸质包装和塑料包装也会消耗大量的木材和原油(crude oil)。生产1吨纸盒需要17棵十年的树(a ton of paper boxes takes 17 ten-year-old trees),而生产1吨塑料袋则需要消耗3吨原油。
近年来快递行业发展迅猛,一次性包装(disposable package)的链条和体系比较成熟。未来需加强宣传,力促公众合理拆封包装材料,积极参与分类回收(sorting and recycling)或绿色包装(green packaging)等行动,同时转变消费观念,减少对一次性快递包装的依赖。
针对存在的问题,意见中明确,要完善快递业绿色包装法规标准,增加快递绿色包装产品供给使用,实施快递包装产品绿色认证(green certification of packaging products),开展快递业绿色包装试点示范(green packaging trials),做大做强快递绿色包装产业联盟,建设快递包装回收示范城市,同时强化快递业绿色包装宣传引导与教育培训。