Pharmaceutical company finds possible cancer-causing agent
A pharmaceutical company in Zhejiang province has reported finding an impurity that can cause cancer in a drug it makes as an ingredient for blood pressure medications, the State Drug Administration said on Sunday. The products have been recalled.
根据欧盟药品管理局发布的公告,浙江华海药业生产的仿制药缬沙坦(valsartan)中被检测出含有一种叫做“N-亚硝基二甲胺”(NDMA)的杂质(chemical impurity)。缬沙坦被广泛用来治疗高血压(treat hypertension),正常的缬沙坦是不含有这种杂质的(Valasartan normally contains no such contaminant)。
据称,N-亚硝基二甲胺可损害肝脏及肾脏,对动物有明确致癌性,但对人类的致癌性还并不明确。事实上,N-亚硝基二甲胺也被广泛用于其他产品,包括腌制食品(salted foods)。
浙江华海药业立即停止向国内外公司供应缬沙坦(immediately stopped supplying valsartan to companies in China and overseas),并已经召回了涉事产品(recall the involved products)。