Chinese President Xi Jinping will deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) 2018 Beijing Summit on September 3, Wang Yi announced Wednesday.
王毅表示,2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会(the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 2018 Beijing Summit)将于9月3日至4日举行。中非领导人将齐聚北京,围绕“合作共赢,携手构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体(China and Africa: toward an even stronger community with a shared future through win-win cooperation)”这一峰会主题,共叙友情,共商合作,共话未来。
王毅指出,中非合作论坛成立18年来,坚持共商共建共享原则(the principle of seeking shared benefits through extensive consultation and joint contribution),形成平等务实高效特色(characteristic of equality, practicality and high efficiency),论坛框架下的中非合作成效显著,成果有目共睹,受到非洲人民一致欢迎和国际社会高度评价。
The summit will make a renewed call for a stronger community with a shared future between China and Africa.
The forum will usher in a new era for the Belt and Road Initiative and Africa's development.
The summit will set a new path for a higher level of China-Africa cooperation.
The summit will start a new chapter on friendship and kinship between China and Africa.