Alibaba CEO Daniel Zhang kicks off the celebration of the 10th Nov 11 Shopping Festival in Beijing, Oct 19, 2018. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]
As indicated by the survey, many young people said they would remain rational towards various sales and promotions.
For example, 68.1 percent of respondents consider the cost performance of a product and their own finances before purchasing, while 58.3 percent consider a product’s practicability and whether it is essential.
面对线上线下的汹涌而来的各类促销,有70.4%的受访者表示这些只是商家的营销手段(marketing methods),他们只会买自己需要的商品。
在选择商品方面,45.9%的受访者表示,喜欢产品的外观(product’s appearance)是基本要求,32%的受访者会花钱购买潮流商品(part with their cash if a product is trendy),另有17.9%的受访者认为购买的商品必须为品牌商品。
另外,今年电商平台备战“双11”促销手段的玩法,津贴直减依旧是主流,团队作战(team work)成为新亮点。
比如,今年消费者通过参加“双11合伙人(double 11 partnership)”计划,以签到(sign in)、点赞(like)、组队集赞PK(team work on collecting likes),以及助力挑战等任务获取能量(energy),以便最终以100能量值兑1元的比例换取淘宝和天猫购物通用红包。