Three new types of domestically developed Fuxing trains designed with varying top speeds made their debut on Monday, which experts said will offer more choices to potential overseas customers.
17辆编组超长版时速350公里复兴号动车组(17-carriage Fuxing trains with a top speed of 350 km/h)“金凤凰”
17辆编组超长版复兴号动车组全长439.8米,载客定员1283人(seating capacity of 1283),载客能力较16辆编组提升了7.5%,相当于单列能多运送90名旅客。该车将于2019年1月5日铁路实行新的列车运行图时,在京沪高铁上线运营。
时速160公里动力集中复兴号动车组(trains with a top speed of 160 km/h)“绿巨人”
时速250公里8辆编组复兴号动车组( 8-carriage Fuxing trains with a top speed of 250 km/h)“蓝暖男”
“蓝暖男”目前有两节样车正在成贵客专进行试验,取消了原先8编组复兴号列车的商务坐席(business seats)设置,明年也有望投入使用。
第一步,2020到2035年,基本建成交通强国(basically building China's strength in transportation),使我国进入世界交通强国的行列(join the ranks of countries with strong transportation network);
第二步,2036到本世纪中叶,全面建成交通强国(finishing building China into a country with strong transportation network),使我国进入世界交通强国前列(become leading powers in the world in terms of transportation)。
城际高铁 intercity high-speed rail
临客列车 temporary train
高铁 high-speed train
动车 bullet train
直达列车 nonstop train