1. 万亿俱乐部
1 trillion yuan club
17 Chinese cities are expected to join the "1 trillion yuan club" with each city's GDP surpassing 1 trillion yuan in 2018, chinanews.com reported on Thursday.
在17个进入"万亿俱乐部"的城市中,3个是新晋成员。2017年,宁波、佛山、郑州的GDP总量分别为9842.1亿元、9549.6亿元、9130.2亿元。三个城市距离"万亿俱乐部"仅一步之遥(knock on the doors of the 1 trillion yuan club)。佛山发布的2018年前三季度经济运行情况(developments in the operation of the economy)显示,GDP同比增长6.2%,按此推测,佛山2018年GDP总量有望超过1万亿元。公开信息显示,宁波和郑州两地2018年GDP也将突破1万亿元大关。
2017年已有14个城市进入GDP"万亿俱乐部"。其中,上海成为首个GDP超过3万亿元的城市,北京、深圳和广州的GDP均超过2万亿元。北京市发展和改革委员会相关负责人近日透露,2018年,北京市地区生产总值预计超过3万亿元,能够实现全年同比增长6.5%左右的预期目标(reach the annual expected growth target of 6.5%),人均地区生产总值将超过2万美元(the per capita GDP will surpass $20,000)。
从地域分布上看,"万亿俱乐部"17城中有12个位于东部地区(located in the eastern region),占比70.6%。3城位于中部地区(in the central region),2城位于西部地区。据报道,东莞、西安、南通、泉州、合肥和济南也有望在未来几年内加入"万亿俱乐部"(enter the club within the coming years)。
经济状况 economic situation
GDP核算 GDP calculation
核心指标 core indicator
高质量发展 high-quality development
工业产出 industrial output
增长质量 growth quality
2. 百日行动
100-day campaign
Quanjian's branch is closed in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan province. [Photo/VCG]
The State Administration of Market Regulation, along with 12 other government ministries and agencies, jointly launched a nationwide 100-day campaign on Tuesday to crack down on illegal practices involving health products.
联合行动方案将整顿重点锁定为:与人民群众日常消费密切相关的产品和行业(products and industries closely related to the everyday lives of people),以及宣称有保健功效的器材、衣物以及日用家电(gadgets, clothing and household appliances that claim to have health benefits)。
该行动将在全国范围内加大对"保健"市场重点行业、重点领域、重点行为的事中事后监管力度(supervision during and after production),依法严厉打击虚假宣传(false advertising)、制售假冒伪劣产品(producing and selling counterfeit products)等扰乱市场秩序、侵害消费者合法权益等各类违法行为。国家市场监管总局局长张茅强调,禁止对保健品进行评比评优活动(stop reviewing health products or providing seals that certify their quality),违者坚决依法追责。
各部门在会上对"百日行动"作出部署。工信部门将建立健全24小时监测机制(a 24-hour surveillance system),及时处置网络违法活动,严查利用骚扰电话(spam phone calls)进行保健品推销的行为;民政部门将重点对养老服务场所和设施进行排查,严禁假借养老服务场所进行保健品推销;商务部门将严格直销行业市场准入(strictly control market access of direct selling industry),整治直销市场秩序;旅游部门将重点查处利用低价旅游(low-cost tours)推销保健品的行为;卫生部门将严厉查处以中医保健名义进行非法诊疗(illegal medical practices in the name of TCM healthcare)等行为。
直销 direct selling
传销 pyramid scheme
民间秘方 secret folk recipe
保健品 health supplements/products
3. 微信表情包
WeChat emoji
People in different age groups have totally different preferences for choosing their WeChat emojis, according to a report released by Tencent's WeChat.
报告显示,00后用户(users who were born in the 2000s)最爱的微信表情是"捂脸"(facepalm)。00后晚睡晚起,睡眠时间最短,晚上10点后开始活跃,偏爱冷饮和甜品(iced beverages and desserts)。
90后最爱的微信表情是"笑中带泪(smiling face with tears of joy)",与其他年龄段的用户相比,90后早上起床时间较晚(get out of bed later in the morning),公共交通出行最频繁(be the most frequent users of public transport),阅读内容从娱乐八卦转向生活情感(reading materials have shifted from entertainment and gossip to relationship and lifestyle pieces)。
80后最爱的微信表情是"龇牙笑(grin)",他们热爱阅读(be fond of reading),关注国家大事(be followers of news related to State and public affairs)。
70后是乐观主义者(optimists),最爱的表情是捂嘴笑(smiling face with hand over mouth),他们休闲时刻最爱刷朋友圈(go through their Moments)。
55岁以上人群最爱的表情是"点赞(give a thumbs-up)",他们早睡早起,平时线上娱乐非常丰富(with rich entertainment activities online),包括刷朋友圈、阅读和购物。
报告显示,微信已渗透进人们日常生活中的方方面面(penetrate into our daily lives)。2018年,微信月活用户(monthly active users)10.8亿,每日音视频通话4.1亿次(make 410 million daily video and audio calls)。使用微信购买公交车票(purchase public transport tickets)的乘客比前年增加了4.7倍,用微信支付医药费(pay for medical expenses)的用户增加了2.9倍,每个月使用微信吃饭买单(use WeChat to pay for meals)的食客比前年增加了1.7倍。
大数据 big data
性格建模 personality modelling
数据泄露 data breach
隐私威胁 privacy threat
信息安全 information security
互联网监管 internet governance
4. 边境墙
border wall
US President Donald Trump talks to reporters as he departs for a visit to the US southern border area in Texas from the White House in Washington, January 10, 2019. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
US President Donald Trump made a televised plea for border wall funding Tuesday night, seeking an edge in the shutdown battle with congressional Democrats as he declared there is "a growing humanitarian and security crisis" in the southern border with Mexico.
当地时间8日晚9点,特朗普在白宫椭圆形办公室(Oval Office)向全美民众发表黄金时段讲话(prime-time address)。他在讲话中向公众解释他修建边境墙(border wall)的合理性,并表示美墨边境危机正在加剧。因总统和国会无法就预算法案达成共识(budget standoff between the president and Congress),美国政府局部停摆(partial government shutdown)已进入第三周,特朗普此举是为了向最近重掌众议院的民主党施压(put pressure on newly empowered Democrats),迫使其屈服于他对边境墙拨款的要求。
众议院议长佩洛西和参议院民主党领袖舒默在特朗普演讲完毕后立即做出联合回应(joint response)。佩洛西批评特朗普拒绝接受重开联邦政府的两党法案(Trump had rejected bipartisan legislation to reopen the government),"特朗普必须停止将美国人民扣为人质(stop holding the American people hostage),必须停止制造危机(stop manufacturing a crisis),必须重新开放政府(reopen the government)"。舒默则呼吁特朗普将联邦政府的运行和边境安全分别处理,先签署两党有关恢复联邦政府运行的法案,然后再就边界安全的问题进行磋商。民主党曾发誓不会为修建边境墙拨款,他们称此举不道德且无效(immoral and ineffective)。
9日,特朗普与民主党国会领袖(Democratic congressional leaders)就拨款修筑边境墙并结束政府局部停摆状态事宜在白宫进行了商谈。但谈判很不愉快,特朗普怒气冲冲地离开了会场(storm out of the meeting),抱怨此次会面"完全是浪费时间(a total waste of time)"。协商未果意味着美国联邦政府停摆状态仍将持续。11日是美国联邦政府的发薪日,但受政府关门影响,大约80万名联邦雇员无法收到工资单(receive their paycheck)。
虚假信息 misinformation
解决分歧 resolve differences
转移注意力 divert attention
升级对抗 escalate confrontation
勉强维持生计 make ends meet
5. 贝佐斯离婚
Jeff Bezos' divorce
Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, has announced his divorce from MacKenzie, his wife of 25 years.
贝佐斯和麦肯齐在1993年结婚,婚后一年在西雅图的车库里创建了亚马逊。9日,贝佐斯在推特中宣布了离婚的消息(break the news of the split in a tweet),并附有两人的签名。现年55岁的贝佐斯的个人财富已达1370亿美元。就在离婚消息宣布的前两日,亚马逊成为全球市值最高的公司,股票市值高达7970亿美元(Amazon rose to become the world's most valuable company with a stock market value of $797 billion)。
贝佐斯在推文中说,在经历了长时间的爱情旅程和临时分居之后,两人决定离婚(they had decided to split up after a long period of loving exploration and trial separation)。两人育有三子一女。贝索斯称,他们还是"一个家庭,一对好友"(remain a family and cherished friends)。
如果两人平分财产(split their assets equally),麦肯齐将分得共同财富(combined fortune)的一半,即685亿美元。贝佐斯将不再享有世界首富的头衔,而麦肯齐将在一夜之间成为全球最富有的女性(become the richest woman in the world overnight)。目前,全球最富有的女性是欧莱雅集团的继承人(heiress of the L’Oréal empire)弗朗索瓦丝·贝当古·梅耶。
有着25年婚姻的两人为何突然宣布离婚?外媒爆料称,贝佐斯或婚内出轨,恋上已婚女主播(be having an affair with a married TV anchor)。据福克斯新闻报道,贝佐斯与好莱坞人才大亨(Hollywood talent mogul)帕特里克·怀特塞尔的妻子、电视主持人劳伦·桑切斯有着"秘密"关系("secret" relationship)。外界认为,贝佐斯本周突然发布离婚声明是因为他知道自己和桑切斯的情事将很快曝光(become public)。
婚前协议 prenuptial agreement
婚外情 extramarital affairs
上市公司 publicly traded company
对冲基金 hedge fund
白手起家的亿万富豪 self-made billionaire