A person passes by a World Economic Forum logo in Davos, Switzerland, Jan 20, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]
本届年会主题为“全球化4.0:打造第四次工业革命时代的全球架构(Globalization 4.0: Shaping a Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution)”。
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is best described by its leading technologies: artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and the Internet of Things. These are technologies that will affect many industries in the decades to come and accord unprecedented importance to the digital world.
In this world, globalization won’t disappear; it will deepen. If in the past global integration grew as trade barriers came down, it will now rely on the connectivity of national digital and virtual systems and the related flow of ideas and services. This is the core of Globalization 4.0.
Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum addresses a news conference ahead of the Davos annual meeting in Cologny near Geneva, Switzerland, Jan 15, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]
This fourth wave of globalization needs to be human-centered, inclusive and sustainable.
First, the dialogues that take place to shape Globalization 4.0 must involve all the relevant global players.
Second, the preservation of social and national cohesion should be placed front and center.
Third, coordination—achieving shared objectives—will yield more successes than cooperation—acting out a common strategy.
A worker adjusts a lamp in the congress center ahead of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Jan 20, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]
“地缘政治和观念多元化的世界”全球对话(a global dialogue on the geopolitics and a “multiconceptual” world):了解国际关系中正在发生的重大变化,并就如何推动未来合作进行坦诚和建设性的讨论;同时举行“和平与和解”全球对话(a global dialogue on peace and reconciliation):推动多方利益相关者为解决世界主要薄弱环节的外交努力提供大规模支持,特别是正值战略地缘政治转变有可能导致权力真空和/或单边主义不断抬头之际。
“经济的未来”全球对话(a global dialogue on the future of the economy):回顾经济和社会决策原则(review principles for economic and social decision-making),这些原则需要重新制定,以更好地反映第四次工业革命中固有的结构性变化;同时举行“金融和货币体系”全球对话(a global dialogue on financial and monetary systems):利用加密货币和区块链等新技术共同塑造货币和金融体系(jointly shape our monetary and financial systems by leveraging new technologies, such as cryptocurrencies and blockchain),并且使这些体系更具弹性,从而实现可持续增长和长期社会福祉。
“工业系统”全球对话(a global dialogue on industry systems):预测第四次工业革命如何提供机会,大幅改善卫生、能源、通信、交通等领域的服务;同时举行“技术政策”全球对话(a global dialogue on technology policy):就人工智能和基因编辑等创新和新兴技术确定原则,并确保这些技术以必要的道德原则和基于价值观的框架为依托。
“网络安全”全球对话(a global dialogue on cybersecurity):确保第四次工业革命的数字创新和技术支柱安全可靠;同时举行“风险复原力”全球对话(a global dialogue on risk resilience):促进系统性思考,从根本上改善我们对关键环境系统(气候、海洋和生物圈)的综合管理,这些系统是我们的社会和经济赖以生存的基础。
“人力资本”全球对话(a global dialogue on human capital):工作的概念正在发生巨变,需要对其进行重新审视,还要反思工作的未来和人力资本的相关性;同时举行“新社会愿景”全球对话(a global dialogue on a new societal narrative):塑造新的社会愿景,从迷恋消费和物质主义转变为关注理想和人文主义。
“制度改革”全球对话(a global dialogue on institutional reform):反思上世纪出现的全球制度框架,并对其进行调整,确保适应21世纪今后几十年的新政治、经济和社会环境;同时举行“经济合作”全球对话(a global dialogue on economic cooperation):建立一个新的规则和制度框架,整合全球经济合作的方方面面,包括知识产权、人员流动、竞争政策、数据保护、汇率、财政政策、国有企业和国家安全。
22日举行的“推进‘一带一路’倡议:展望中国的万亿美元愿景(Advancing the Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Trillion-Dollar Vision)”;
24日的“中国经济展望(China Economic Outlook)”和“全球化4.0:中国如何塑造全球商业的未来(Globalization 4.0: China's Role in the Future of Global Commerce)”等。