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    A bird's-eye view of Beijing Daxing International Airport, which is scheduled to open on Sept 30. [Photo by Li Xiaofan/For China Daily]

    The National Development and Reform Commission recently issued guidelines on cultivating and developing modern metropolitan areas, with the aim of building mature modern metropolitan areas with international influence by 2035.


    城市群(city cluster)是新型城镇化主体形态(a main part of the new type of urbanization),是支撑全国经济增长、促进区域协调发展、参与国际竞争合作的重要平台(the important platform for supporting national economic growth, promoting regional coordinated development and participating in international competition and cooperation)。

    都市圈(metropolitan area)是城市群内部以超大特大城市或辐射带动功能强的大城市为中心、以1小时通勤圈为基本范围的城镇化空间形态(the urban spatial form comprising a one-hour commuting circle centered on a megacity within a city cluster)。

    《意见》认为,都市圈既能优化人口和经济格局(optimize population and economic landscape),又有利于激活有效投资和潜在消费需求(boost effective investment and potential consumption demand),增强内生动力。

    《意见》明确,在有条件地区编制都市圈轨道交通规划(rail transportation plan in metropolitan areas),推动干线铁路、城际铁路、市域(郊)铁路、城市轨道交通“四网融合”(an integrated network of mainline railways, intercity railways, urban/suburban railways and urban railway transit projects)。

    此外,《意见》还支持毗邻城市(镇)开行城际公交,加快推动近郊班线公交化,并要求加快推进都市圈内城市间公交一卡互通(one pass for all public transport services in metropolitan areas)、票制资费标准一致(unified ticket policies for public transport services)。

    《意见》在促进人口要素向都市圈流动方面也提出了举措,明确要放开放宽除个别超大城市外的城市落户限制(relax restrictions on household registration in non-megacities)。

    《意见》要求促进优质公共资源共享(encourage sharing of quality public resources),支持有条件的中小学和三级医院推进集团化办学办医,支持中心城市三级医院异地设置分支机构。


    快速交通网络 rapid transport network

    对外综合运输通道 comprehensive external transport links

    交通一体化 traffic integration

    产业协调发展 coordinated development of industries

    世界级城市群 world-class city cluster

      上一篇:两会前瞻:这十个经济热词值得关注 下一篇:每日一词:走后门


