Photo by vnwayne fan on Unsplash
Lamp posts in 17 streets of Haidian district are being upgraded into smart lamp posts that integrate roles of monitoring traffic violations, showing road signs and holding 5G facilities.
此次北京市“多杆合一”试点改造的内容,主要是对现有的路灯(road lamps)、违章抓拍(traffic violation monitoring)、治安探头(public order monitoring)、街道监控(streets monitoring)、道路名牌(road signs display)及5G等专业的单一杆体进行杆体合并。“多杆”整合后,各种设施和标识标牌都将尽量整合到一根综合杆上。
通州的多功能路灯杆则更加“智能”,将大气监测(air quality monitoring)、违停监控(illegal parking monitoring)、5G上网、指路服务(giving road direction)等多种功能全部集成在一根小小的路灯杆上。
不仅如此,人行便道上阻碍通行的变电箱(substation box)、通信电箱(electricity supply box for communication)等都将隐藏,天空中显眼的各种飞线(overhead power lines)则会入地。
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