新发布的iPhone 11拥有6种配色:紫色、白色、黑色、绿色、黄色以及红色。
Kaiann Drance presents the new iPhone 11 at an Apple event at their headquarters in Cupertino, California, the United States, Sept 10, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]
The iPhone 11 has a dual camera, which includes a second camera featuring an ultra-wide lens. Artificial intelligence capabilities in the camera will auto-adjust lighting and reduce noise to allow users to take low-light images and more detailed portraits. It also features a front-facing portrait mode and slo-mo video capabilities in the front-facing camera.
iPhone 11采用了双摄像头,其中一个为超广角镜头。摄像头搭载的人工智能技术可以自动调节光线并降噪,用户可以拍摄低亮度环境的照片以及细节更加优化的人像。同时,前置摄像头有人像模式,还可以拍摄慢动作视频。
此外,苹果还首次推出了后缀为Pro的iPhone 11 Pro。
CEO Tim Cook presents the new iPhone 11 Pro at an Apple event at their headquarters in Cupertino, California, the United States, Sept 10, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]
Apple announced the iPhone 11 Pro, which is being touted as “the most advanced and detailed iPhone yet”, with a three-lens “pro” camera system, more energy efficiency and spatial audio sound.
苹果发布的iPhone 11 Pro被标榜为“目前最先进、最精细的iPhone”,这款手机配备了三个摄像头的专业级摄像功能,能耗更低,音效更好。
Tout,读作[taʊt],可以作为动词或名词使用,有“招徕,兜售,标榜”之意,作名词是一般指“票贩子”。常见搭配有,tout products(兜售商品),tout for investment(招揽投资),tout tickets(倒票)等。
Videos made with the iPhone 11 Pro cameras will shoot in 4k resolution at 60 frames per second.
iPhone 11 Pro的摄像头可以拍摄每秒60帧的4K视频。
这次新推出的Pro系列背面是磨砂质地(matte finish),有深空灰色、银色、金色和暗夜绿色四种。
Apple also revealed the Apple Watch Series 5 at Tuesday’s event, which will have an always-on screen while maintaining up to 18 hours of battery life.
此次发布会还推出了Apple Watch Serise 5,屏幕可实现永久点亮,保持18个小时续航。
The iPad also got an update. The new 7th generation of the product will have a larger screen of 10.2 inches, up from 9.7 inches, and support for the Apple Pencil and Smart Connector, which lets users attach Apple’s own keyboards to the device to turn it into a pseudo-laptop.
Apart from the hardware, Apple said it will launch its all-original streaming service Apple TV+ on Nov. 1, this year.
除了硬件产品以外,苹果还宣布将在11月1日推出完全原创的流媒体服务Apple TV+。
Users who buy any Apple products including new iPads, iPhones, laptops, or desktops are eligible to enjoy one year of free subscription to Apple TV+.
购买新款iPad、iPhone、笔记本电脑或台式机的用户可以享受Apple TV+一年的免费服务。
能耗 energy efficiency
超广角镜头 ultra-wide lens
前置摄像头 front-facing camera
永久点亮显示 always-on displays
电池续航能力 battery life