英语作为一门语言,有其与时俱进的特性。我们作为英语学习者,要时刻关注时事新闻,才能更好的实现语言的沟通性。下面是小编整理的关于每日一词|社交恐惧症 social phobia的资料,希望对你的英语学习有所帮助!
A growing number of people are dependent on social media platforms for socializing, and they find it embarrassing to interact with others face-to-face. This is seen as asocial phobia, orsocial anxiety disorder.
Those who are struggling withsocial phobiamight as well go out and meet people instead of choosing to search for friends online.
It is important for those suffering fromsocial phobiato believe in themselves. The key toovercome social phobiais to try their best to ignore others’ negative assessment of them.
以上就是每日一词|社交恐惧症 social phobia的全部内容,一起学起来吧!