1-- Did you call me, sir?
2-- Yeah. If you are available now, let me describe your work duties, OK?
1-- What am I expected to do?
2-- As a newcomer, you are going to be responsible for some basic tasks first, including certain routine duties like answering the telephone and typing. Later, you will be assigned to the Sales Department.
1-- I see. It must be a challenging job, but I would like to do it. And what about now?
2-- For this is your first day in our company, you can begin with our special products. Before you do your job, it's necessary for you to be familiar with our own products. Sort these papers and file them correctly.
1-- OK, I'll get to work on it at once.
1-- 先生,是您叫我吗?
2-- 是的。如果你有空,就让我给你介绍一下你的工作内容,可以吗?
1-- 我要做些什么工作呢?
2-- 身为一个新员工,你必须要先负责一些基本的工作,包括一些每天的例行公亊,比如说接电话、打字之类的。一段时间后,你会被分配到销售部去。
1-- 我明白了。这一定是一个充满挑战性的工作了,但是我愿意去做。那我现在做什么呢?
2-- 由于你是第一天上班,可以先从了解我们的特色产品开始。在你开始工作前,有必要先熟悉一下我们的产品。把这些文件分类并将它们正确归档。
1-- 好的,我现在就去做。
2-- Yeah. If you are available now, let me describe your work duties, OK?
1-- What am I expected to do?
2-- As a newcomer, you are going to be responsible for some basic tasks first, including certain routine duties like answering the telephone and typing. Later, you will be assigned to the Sales Department.
1-- I see. It must be a challenging job, but I would like to do it. And what about now?
2-- For this is your first day in our company, you can begin with our special products. Before you do your job, it's necessary for you to be familiar with our own products. Sort these papers and file them correctly.
1-- OK, I'll get to work on it at once.
1-- 先生,是您叫我吗?
2-- 是的。如果你有空,就让我给你介绍一下你的工作内容,可以吗?
1-- 我要做些什么工作呢?
2-- 身为一个新员工,你必须要先负责一些基本的工作,包括一些每天的例行公亊,比如说接电话、打字之类的。一段时间后,你会被分配到销售部去。
1-- 我明白了。这一定是一个充满挑战性的工作了,但是我愿意去做。那我现在做什么呢?
2-- 由于你是第一天上班,可以先从了解我们的特色产品开始。在你开始工作前,有必要先熟悉一下我们的产品。把这些文件分类并将它们正确归档。
1-- 好的,我现在就去做。