1-- Please come in!
2-- Hi. Steven. I just drop in and want to have a chat with you.
1-- Oh, so nice of you to come here. Have a seat. Please make yourself at home.
2-- OK. ( Sit on the sofa) Wow! Your house was decorated so beautiful.
1-- Thank you. My wife would be very happy to hear this.
2-- She must have done a lot of work on it.
1-- You bet.
1.drop in顺道拜访
3.You bet肯定
1-- 欢迎,请进!
2-- 嗨,史蒂文。我只是顺便来看看,和你聊一聊。
1-- 哦,你能来真是太好了。请坐吧,别客气,像在自己家一样。
2-- 好的。(坐在沙发上)你们家装修得很漂亮。
1-- 谢谢。我太太知道了一定会很高兴。
2-- 她一定在这上面花了不少功夫。
1-- 的确是这样。
2-- Hi. Steven. I just drop in and want to have a chat with you.
1-- Oh, so nice of you to come here. Have a seat. Please make yourself at home.
2-- OK. ( Sit on the sofa) Wow! Your house was decorated so beautiful.
1-- Thank you. My wife would be very happy to hear this.
2-- She must have done a lot of work on it.
1-- You bet.
1.drop in顺道拜访
3.You bet肯定
1-- 欢迎,请进!
2-- 嗨,史蒂文。我只是顺便来看看,和你聊一聊。
1-- 哦,你能来真是太好了。请坐吧,别客气,像在自己家一样。
2-- 好的。(坐在沙发上)你们家装修得很漂亮。
1-- 谢谢。我太太知道了一定会很高兴。
2-- 她一定在这上面花了不少功夫。
1-- 的确是这样。