1-- Hey, Veronica Mars... Do you know what your little joke cost me?
2-- Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be getting your bong back.
1-- Wrong answer. Would you care to guess again?
2-- Clearly your sense of humor.
1-- Nope. You're usually so good at pop quizzes. No, the correct answer is my car. That's right. My daddy took my T-Bird away. And you know what I won't be having. Fun, fun, fun.
3.pop quizzes 忽然袭击的小测试
1-- 嘿,Veronica Mars……你知道你的小玩笑让我损失多少吗?
2-- 嗯,我非常确定,你肯定是拿不回烟杆了。
1-- 回答错误。你愿意不愿意再猜一次?
2-- 很明显,你的幽默感没有了。
1-- 不,你不是很擅长小测试么?正确的答案是,我的车,你没有听错,我父亲把我的车T-Bird没收了,我现在连寻开心都办不到了。
2-- Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be getting your bong back.
1-- Wrong answer. Would you care to guess again?
2-- Clearly your sense of humor.
1-- Nope. You're usually so good at pop quizzes. No, the correct answer is my car. That's right. My daddy took my T-Bird away. And you know what I won't be having. Fun, fun, fun.
3.pop quizzes 忽然袭击的小测试
1-- 嘿,Veronica Mars……你知道你的小玩笑让我损失多少吗?
2-- 嗯,我非常确定,你肯定是拿不回烟杆了。
1-- 回答错误。你愿意不愿意再猜一次?
2-- 很明显,你的幽默感没有了。
1-- 不,你不是很擅长小测试么?正确的答案是,我的车,你没有听错,我父亲把我的车T-Bird没收了,我现在连寻开心都办不到了。