1-- How many nannies did you interview?
2-- Ten. Ten! Each one more incompetent than the last. One actually asked me—here you go—if she was expected to change diapers.
1-- Oh, good nannies are so hard to find.
2-- Yeah, that's why I was hoping to take advantage of your expertise.
1-- Oh, Lord, what do you want me to do?
2-- All your rich friends have nannies. A-list nannies. I need to catch one—here you go—without their bosses.
1-- Why?
2-- So I can poach me one.
1-- Lynette...
2-- Look, at my old job, we didn't wait for good people to come to us. We went out and raided other companies. I don't see why it should be different when you're hiring a nanny.
1-- I understand that good help is hard to find, but stealing a family's name is so...unseemly.
2-- I'm not twisting anyone's arm. If I make a better offer, why shouldn't a qualified person reap the benefits? So come on ...where can I score some high grade nanny?
1-- 你面试过多少保姆了?
2-- 十个了。一个比一个无能。有一个竟然问我,她是否需要换尿布.
1-- 哦,好的保姆很难找的。
2-- 是啊,这就是我希望能沾上你这个专业人士意见的光。
1-- 老天,你想让我怎么做呢?
2-- 你的有钱的朋友都有保姆,超级棒的保姆。我需要在他们老板不在的时候和他们谈谈。
1-- 为什么?
2-- 这样我就能挖走一个。
1-- Lynette ……
2-- 是这样,在我以前的工作中,我们从不等着优秀的人才来找我们。我们去别的公司发掘。我不觉得这和找保姆有什么区别。
1-- 我理解好的保姆很难找,不过挖别人家的保姆很不体面啊。
2-- 我不是强迫你。如果我给的待遇更高,为什么一个合格的保姆不能获得这些呢?好啦,我在哪能找到高端的保姆呢?