教程:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语  浏览:1394  
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  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

    1 handsome

    He is a handsome man, tall and slim.

    2 heaven

    3 hope

    I hope you’ll be better soon.

    4 holiday

    Happy holidays!

    5 handle

    She handles the company’s PR.

    He’s a hard man to handle.

    I will handle some business then go home early today.

    Get the police, let them handle.

    I guess I didn’t handle this very well.

    Please handle those objects carefully.

    6 unhappy

    I’m so unhappy with my new job.

    7 perhaps

    8 hitchhike

    I hitchhiked from Tianjin to Beijing.

    9 whole

    Are you telling me the whole truth?

    I spent the whole morning in bed today.

    10 whose


    I haven’t decided yet.


    1 I hope it won’t rain today.

    2 Have you seen Henry?

    3 How was your holiday?

    4 He looks unhappy, what happened?

      上一篇:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语36b 下一篇:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语37b

