教程:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语  浏览:1507  
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    5 We have a happy home.

    6 He has lots of head but not much heart.

    7 I hope you haven’t hurt your head.

    8 I hate him for his behavior.

    9 He hates to help his mother with housework.

    10 She hasn’t heard from her husband for half a month.


    1 You have to hurry up if you are going to catch the train.

    2 He has the bad habit of smoking.


    1 I have a headache.

    2 He is always helping her with her homework.

    3 Don’t hurt yourself.


    1 I haven’t heard from her for a while.

    2 He is a hardworking employee.

    3 Heads up. I’m coming with boiling hot water.

    4 In her heart of hearts, she does not love him enough to marry him.

    5 In my heart of hearts I know the truth.

    6 Don’t hesitate to go to the hospital if you are sick.

    7 I have a horrible headache after drinking too much.


    1 hour

    I’ll finish it in an hour.

    2 honor

    I feel very honored to have the opportunity to speak here.

    It’s my honor to meet you.

    3 honest

    He is honest doing business.

    4 heir

    John was his father’s only heir.

    5 exhibition

    The exhibition at the museum is marvelous.

    6 rhythm

    I like the rhythm of the song.

    7 Thomas

    Thomas will come this weekend with his girlfriend.

    8 vehicle

    Language is the vehicle of human thoughts.


    1 Can you help me?

    2 It’s so hot in here.

    3 I’m in a hurry.

    4 Have a nice day.

    5 Have a happy honeymoon.

    6 I hate him.

    7 I’m hungry.

    8 Behave yourself.

    9 Hurry up.

    10 Hi, how are you doing?


    Part One

    1 hardworking

    2 habit

    3 hero

    4 hesitate

    5 history

    6 holiday

    7 humble

    8 headline

    9 behave

    10 sweetheart

    China is a country with a long history and hardworking people.

    Part Two

    1 hurt

    2 hate

    3 hell

    4 huge

    5 second-hand

    6 behind

    7 somehow

    8 hand in hand

    9 have the habit of

    10 ahead

    My head hurts like hell today, I must have had too much to drink last night.


    A: Hi, how have you been?

    B: Great, how about you?

    A: I’ve been OK, do you want to take a look at my pictures?

    B: Sure, hey, who’s that?

    A: He’s my brother.

    B: Wow, he’s cute. What’s his name?

    A; James, we call him Jim, he is in college here in Shanghai.

    B: Oh, how old is he?

    A: He is 21 years old.

    B: What’s he like? I bet he’s nice.

    A: Yes, he is, and he is very easy-going and funny. He sure is handsome.

      上一篇:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语37a 下一篇:李阳疯狂英语之标准美语38a

