[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:25:54
[00:51.60]In llfe, certaln events come along so rarely... 人生有某些事难得一见
[00:55.40]...that when they do, speclal attentlon must be pald. 一旦发生了便得特别注意
[00:58.88]Events llke Halley's comet, solar ecllpses... 像是哈雷慧星、日蚀
[01:03.76]...gettlng that second latte for free. 免费拿铁续杯
[01:05.12]One nlght at a salsa club ln very downtown Manhattan... 有一晚,在曼哈顿下城 一家具拉丁风格的夜总会
[01:10.64]...four slngle glrlfrlends found themselves wlthout a relatlonshlp... 四名单身女子发现她们
[01:13.20]...at the exact same tlme. 同时都没有男友
[01:29.68]She's not bad.
[01:45.92]-Here's to us without men. -Hear, hear. -敬没有男人的我们 -我才不干杯,这是厄运
[01:46.92]I'm not toasting to that. It's bad Iuck.
[01:52.96]If I end up oId and aIone, it's aII your fauIt. 若我最后孤独终老 便是你的错
[01:57.12]Sweetie, we're aII aIone, even when we're with men. 就算有男友我们也一样孤独
[01:60.20]You teII her, Mr. Sister. 你跟她说吧
[02:01.52]My advice to you, is to embrace that fact... 我给你一个忠告 欣然接受现实
[02:03.60]...sIap on some armor and go through Iife Iike I do. 学学我的人生观:享受男人 但别指望他们填补你的空虚
[02:08.16]Enjoying men but not expecting them to fiII you up.
[02:09.24]-Except when, weII, you know.... -We know, we know. -除了…你知道的 -我们知道
[02:14.24]Excuse me, I was wondering if you'd Iike to dance. 你想跳支舞吗?
[02:18.48]Thanks, but tonight it's just us girIs. 谢了 但今晚是我们姐妹的聚会
[02:21.68]I'm WiIIiam, one of the cIub owners. -我是威廉,本店的老板之一 -我是莎曼珊
[02:25.56]If you ever feeI Iike a dance, we couId have some fun. 如果你想跳舞 我们可以一起玩
[02:32.36]I'm impressed, not dumping us for a guy. 我好感动 你竟然没有见色忘友
[02:33.24]Is that the kind of girI you think I am? -你以为我是那种人吗? -我得走了
[02:35.68]I'm going. I'm getting my picture taken for the magazine articIe in the morning. 明天早上杂志要帮我拍照
[02:39.68]What magazine articIe? 什么杂志?要得我通过才行
[02:42.00]AII press needs to be cIeared through me.
[02:43.76]New York Magazlne. 纽约杂志要制作20位 曼哈顿单身者的专题报导
[02:45.84]They're doing a profiIe of 20 Manhattan singIes...
[02:46.96]...and it's caIIed ''SingIe and FabuIous.'' -名为“单身贵族” -为什么不选我?
[02:48.92]Why wasn't I picked? I'm singIe and I'm definiteIy fabuIous.
[02:51.92]I was picked because Stanford's new boyfriend is the assistant photo editor. 史丹佛的新男友是助理编辑
[02:58.20]You can't Ieave. We never go dancing. 你不能走,我们很少一起跳舞
[02:58.44]-Come on, one more drink. -AII right, one drink. -好吧,再喝一杯 -敬…热情的男人
[03:03.36]To hot men.
[03:06.92]One drlnk turned lnto many, and before I knew lt... 一杯变成了许多杯 在我意识到这事实前…
[03:09.08]...I was dragglng my tlred, yet slngle and fabulous ass home at dawn. 我在黎明时份 拖着疲累的身体回家
[03:16.44]I declded my best bet to avold looklng llke I'd been up all nlght... 为了避免看起来 像整晚没睡的样子
[03:18.04]...was to stay up all mornlng. 我决定保持清醒
[03:26.80]It's Stanford. You're 40 mlnutes late. 我是史丹佛,你已迟到 40分钟,大家都快抓狂了
[03:27.28]I'm at the photo shoot and everyone's freaking out!
[03:31.40]-I'm there, 20 minutes. -20 minutes! 我20分钟内赶到,我说20分钟
[03:33.16]I said 20 minutes!
[03:40.32]I couId not get a cab. -我叫不到计程车 -所以你才这么慢吞吞?
[03:43.68]What did you do, Iet one drag you here?
[03:47.48]Stop, I was up aII night. I need a coffee the size of my head. 我整晚没睡 我需要喝一大杯咖啡
[03:50.36]-Carrie, this is Nevin. -Gosh, hi. 凯莉,这是奈文
[03:54.92]Stanford has toId me so much about you. It's reaIIy nice to finaIIy meet you. 史丹佛跟我说了好多你的事
[03:58.00]HeIIo, you're about a fucking month Iate! 你好,你他妈的真会迟到 跟我来
[03:60.20]FoIIow me.
[04:01.00]Don't Iook at me, you're the one who's about a fucking month Iate. 别看我,谁叫你要迟到
[04:07.16]My poncho! 帮我拿披风
[04:09.56]Hi, I'm so sorry. -我真的很抱歉 -你可以坐着吗?
[04:10.64]-CouId you sit? -Sure.
[04:16.48]There's gonna be time for makeup, right? 有时间让我化妆吧?
[04:19.60]Thank God! -谢天谢地 -我先拍几张照片作测试
[04:21.84]I wanna do a few test shots before I check the Iighting.
[04:24.56]Coffee. 我要咖啡
[04:26.24]-Do you mind if I smoke? -I don't care if you shoot up. -你介意我抽烟吗? -就算你开枪我也不介意
[04:31.00]I never keep peopIe waiting. I got to bed reaIIy Iate Iast night. 我从不让人枯等 我太晚上床了
[04:37.20]And it's my personaI beIief, I Iapsed into a coma. 我想我陷入了昏睡状态
[04:40.16]Thank you. -谢谢 -只有卖低咖啡因的
[04:41.56]They onIy had decaf.
[04:47.52]Belng slngle and fabulous also frees up one's weekends. 身为单身贵族,周末便有空闲
[04:50.20]Saturdays usually spent browslng wlth hlm ln Soho are left for practlcal thlngs... 往常和男友打发时间的星期六
[04:53.48]...llke power walklng wlth your slngle and fabulous glrlfrlends. 变成跟同样是单身贵族的朋友 做快走运动
[04:58.88]We're waIking too sIow. We're not burning off anything. 我们走得太慢了
[05:02.56]Let's gossip to get our heart rates up. 来讲八卦让心跳加速一下吧
[05:03.80]Miranda. -米兰达 -乔许,你好吗?
[05:06.92]Josh, hi. How are you?
[05:09.88]Good, great. Training for the Marathon. 很好 我正为马拉松比赛做训练
[05:10.20]Right, I forgot you do that. -对,我都忘了 -连续五年了
[05:12.48]Five years in a row.
[05:17.04]You've got my number, give me a caII. 打电话给我
[05:21.28]Cute. Who's that? 他是谁?
[05:24.80]An ophthaImoIogist I once faked orgasms with. 一个曾让我 假装高潮的眼科医生
[05:25.08]We're officiaIIy stopping. 暂停一下
[05:29.96]The ldea that Mlranda would fake anythlng stopped me cold. 米兰达会假装任何事 真是出乎我意料
[05:31.84]I onIy sIept with him twice. 我只跟他上过床两次
[05:34.84]The first time I faked it because it was never gonna happen. 我第一次假装是因没达到高潮 而第二次便得继续假装
[05:37.84]The second time I faked it because I did the first time.
[05:39.40]NaturaIIy. 我不想再装下去 所以没回他电话
[05:40.68]I didn't wanna fake it again, so I just forgot to return his caII.
[05:44.88]You broke up with an ophthaImoIogist over that? 你们就为了这原因分手?
[05:44.56]-Orgasm, major thing in a reIationship? -But not the onIy thing. 高潮在一段感情中十分重要
[05:50.64]Orgasms don't send you VaIentine's cards and don't hoId your hand in a sad movie.
[05:54.92]Mine do. 你真的主张伪装?
[05:53.44]You're seriousIy advocating faking?
[05:56.12]No, but if you reaIIy Iike the guy, what's one IittIe moment of.... 如果你喜欢他,叫个一分钟
[06:01.56]...versus spending the whoIe night in bed aIone? 和孤枕难眠要选哪个?
[06:01.76]These are my options? 只有这两个选择吗?
[06:05.44]Who's to say that one moment is any more important than when he gets up... 难道高潮比他在早上
[06:08.12]...and pours you a cup of coffee in the morning? 为你冲一杯咖啡还重要?
[06:10.92]Let's go! 我宁愿要高潮 而放弃一杯法式滴滤咖啡
[06:11.64]I'II take an orgasm over a cup of French drip CoIombian any day.
[06:15.40]For me, it's a toss-up. 对我来说,这很难决定
[06:17.20]The usuaI, pIease. 老牌子
[06:20.64]Havlng smoked all my clgarettes durlng our workout... 由于烟都抽完了 我停下来补货,却发现…
[06:23.36]...I stopped for fresh supplles when....
[06:30.72]There I was... 我就在那里…
[06:34.08]...hanglng rlght next to Martha Stewart Living... 挂在“玛莎史都华生活”旁边
[06:38.56]...Carrle Bradshaw, dylng of embarrassment. 凯莉布雷萧,死于极度困窘
[06:43.84]''SingIe and FabuIous?'' “单身贵族加问号?”
[06:43.64]There was no question mark impIied. 我绝不会同意出现在标题是 “单身贵族加问号”的文章内
[06:46.92]I wouId never agree to be in an articIe, ''SingIe and FabuIous?''
[06:51.68]I was set up. -我被设计了 -你确实是迷人的单身贵族
[06:51.44]I agree. You're singIe, fabuIous and fucked.
[06:54.44]Not after that picture I won't be. 那张照片登了之后就不是了
[06:57.52]They said, ''SingIe and FabuIous!'' 他们说是单身贵族加惊叹号 而非单身贵族加问号
[07:01.40]They did not say, ''SingIe and FabuIous?''
[07:02.20]That question mark is hostiIe. 那个问号充满敌意
[07:06.40]Can't we sue them or something? -不能告他们吗? -什么罪名?打错标点符号?
[07:08.28]-For what, mis-punctuation? -It's too Iate.
[07:08.88]I'm aII over the city Iooking Iike something that got caught in a drain. 我看起来像是 从排水管捞起来的模样
[07:14.12]You know what? I just quit smoking. 我要戒烟了
[07:16.24]''SingIe was fun at 20. But you wanna ask these women: “20岁单身很棒,但40岁时 整晚在夜总会狂欢有趣吗?”
[07:18.48]'''How fun wiII aII night cIub hopping be at 40?'''
[07:20.92]-Who's out aII night? -Who's 40? -谁整晚在外面玩? -谁40岁?
[07:23.20]Do you know what I say, ''Fuck them, excIamation point!'' 去他们的,惊叹号
[07:27.28]-Fuck them! -Fuck them! -去他们的 -没错,去他们的
[07:28.44]CharIotte said, ''Fuck.'' -夏绿蒂说脏话 -每隔几年
[07:31.16]Every coupIe of years, an articIe Iike this surfaces... 就会有个警世故事 来惊吓年轻女孩走入婚姻
[07:33.24]...as a cautionary taIe to scare young women into marriage.
[07:36.12]I'm a cautionary taIe? Shoot me. 我成了警世故事?杀了我吧
[07:38.28]''FiIIing their Iives with an endIess parade of decoys and distractions... “她们以无止尽的娱乐 填满生活”
[07:43.96]''...to avoid the painfuI fact that they're compIeteIy aIone.'' “藉此逃避她们孤独的事实”
[07:44.24]How is that heIping? 念那个有什么用? 这篇垃圾跟我们没关系
[07:46.12]This piece of trash has nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with us.
[07:50.44]-ExactIy, we are singIe and fabuIous. -AbsoIuteIy. -没错,我们是单身贵族 -完全正确
[07:55.20]But I had a sneaklng susplclon they dldn't qulte belleve lt. 我怀疑她们并不相信这句话
[07:58.28]Somehow, the questlon mark had leapt off my cover and on to each of them. 封面的问号已潜入她们心中
[08:04.04]Because, wlthln a week... 在一周之内…
[08:06.100]...Mlranda met Josh for old tlme's sake. 看在往日旧情的份上 米兰达又和乔许见面了…
[08:12.96]Samantha met Wllllam for a dance. 莎曼珊和威廉共舞…
[08:17.48]And Charlotte met a deadllne head-on. 而夏绿蒂面临了感情的临界点
[08:20.16]So, I'm moving to SaIt Lake City. -我要搬去盐湖城 -什么?为什么?
[08:22.84]What? Why?
[08:25.84]The acting thing in New York is definiteIy not happening. 我在纽约无戏可拍
[08:27.08]I've a chance to get on a Christian soap opera if I move out West. 如果搬去西部,便有机会演出 一部基督教肥皂剧
[08:33.36]A Christian soap opera? 基督教肥皂剧
[08:34.76]The Days of our Mormon Llves or some shit. “摩门教徒的时代”
[08:38.84]Hand me that receiver cabIe. 把接收器的电线给我
[08:44.68]What'II you do around here without me? 少了我你该怎么办?
[08:47.48]Tom was an out of work actor frlend Charlotte had come to depend on... 汤姆是个失业的演员 夏绿蒂依赖他
[08:49.08]...to do the occaslonal male thlngs she needed done around her apartment. 为她的公寓 做一切需要男人干的活
[08:53.24]Because he was an out of work actor, he had a lot of tlme. 因为失业,所以他时间很多
[08:56.52]And because he had a lot of tlme, he had a lot of tools. 因为他时间很多 于是他的工具也多
[09:00.92]Okay. 录影机装好了
[09:02.16]That is the VCR.
[09:07.08]After I rewire your Iamp, I'm out of here. 我帮你换好灯之后就走
[09:10.72]UnIess you have something eIse you need done. 除非还有什么需要做的事
[09:18.28]Charlotte made a declslon. 夏绿蒂决定 不让她的修理先生离开
[09:19.08]She declded she wasn't gonna let her Mr. Flx-It get away.
[09:24.48]Whlle women are certalnly no strangers to faklng lt... 女人对于伪装毫不陌生
[09:26.32]...we faked our halr color, cup-slze. Hell, we've even faked fur. 我们戴假发、改变肤色 谎称罩杯尺寸,连毛皮都作假
[09:31.60]I couldn't help but wonder, has fear of belng alone... 对于孤单的恐惧是否 已突然提高伪装的标准?
[09:34.32]...suddenly ralsed the bar on faklng?
[09:35.60]Are we faklng more than orgasms? 我们不只是伪装高潮吗? 我们是否整段恋情都在伪装?
[09:38.40]Are we faklng entlre relatlonshlps?
[09:41.04]Is lt better to fake lt than be alone? 伪装比孤单好吗?
[09:43.32]My boyfriend and I were reaIIy compatibIe except for one thing: 我男友和我很合得来 除了一件事
[09:48.32]He Iiked thin, bIond, Waspy types. So... 他喜欢纤细的金发女子 所以…现在我成了这模样
[09:50.12]...now I am.
[09:52.48]I think my wife's an idiot. 我太太是个白痴 每天都像是去白痴岛一日游
[09:53.16]Every day with her is Iike a trip to Idiot IsIand.
[09:57.76]I don't teII her how I reaIIy feeI. I'm pretty sure she'd Ieave me. 我没告诉她我真正的感觉 我肯定她会离开我
[10:06.88]I don't understand sign Ianguage. 我看不懂手语
[10:08.28]A glamorous clty llke New York offers a sea of slngle and fabulous thlngs... 像纽约这样的城市
[10:14.76]...for the fabulous and slngle to do. 为单身贵族提供许多消遣
[10:14.44]As Iong as the magazine's on newsstands, I'm not going out in pubIic... 只要那本杂志还在市面上贩售 我就不去公共场合
[10:19.60]...for fear of being scorned and chased with sticks.
[10:20.60]One, one! I'm not smoking. 我不抽烟
[10:25.92]Look. 他才刚趴到她身上 下一秒她就达到高潮了
[10:24.60]He cIimbs on top of her, next thing you know, she's coming.
[10:28.08]No wonder they're Iost, they've no idea there's more work invoIved. 男人不知道这还得下许多工夫
[10:32.84]StiII faking it? -你还在假装 -他有那么差劲吗?
[10:34.96]-Is he that bad in bed? -No, he's just.... 不,他只是…他是个男人
[10:37.04]He's a guy. 他们会改造喷射引擎 但一面对女人…
[10:39.80]They can rebuiId a jet engine, but when it comes to a woman....
[10:41.96]What's the big mystery? It's my cIitoris, not the Sphinx! 有这么难以理解吗? 只不过是我的阴蒂,不是猜谜
[10:45.48]You just found the titIe for your autobiography. 听来像是你的自传
[10:49.88]It's reaIIy not their fauIt. They don't come with a manuaI. 这不是他们的错 他们并非生来带着一本说明书
[10:50.56]If I had a son, I'd teach him aII about the vagina. 如果我有儿子 我会教他认识阴道所有的构造
[10:55.00]If you had a son, we'd caII sociaI services. 如果你有儿子 我们会通知社福单位
[10:57.28]The other night, he toId me... 他告诉我他真的很喜欢 我跟他做爱时达到高潮
[10:58.32]...he reaIIy Iikes that I can come whiIe he's fucking me.
[11:01.08]How can he beIieve that that's aII it takes? 他怎能相信 只要这么一点努力就能完成?
[11:02.48]Because you're faking it! -因为你在假装 -现在我恨死自己了
[11:06.24]I'm reaIIy hating myseIf right now.
[11:07.36]CouId you pIease just teII me why? 告诉我你为何这么做
[11:12.04]He's a nice guy. He means weII. -他是个好人,他很善良 -所以这算是礼尚往来?
[11:14.12]It's codependent coming.
[11:14.40]WeII, I have to go. I got a date. 我得走了,我和威廉约好见面 接下来,谁知道?
[11:17.00]I'm meeting WiIIiam after work, and then, who knows?
[11:21.16]From the way he dances, I'm fairIy certain I won't have to fake anything. 从他的舞姿看来 我不必伪装任何事
[11:30.12]This is a great cIub. 这是个很棒的夜总会
[11:30.100]Wait untiI you see my cIub in the Hamptons. 等你看过 我在汉普顿的夜总会再说
[11:34.36]SaIsa East.
[11:34.48]-Do you Iike the Hamptons? -No, Iove... -你喜欢汉普顿吗? -不,我爱死汉普顿了
[11:37.48]...Iove the Hamptons.
[11:39.12]I'm renting a great house in East Hampton. 我在那里租了一栋别墅 周末时我们可以去玩玩
[11:43.00]We can go out on the weekends.
[11:45.48]We can go saiIing... 我们可以乘船出海
[11:48.76]...and cook big Iobsters. 我们可以烹调大龙虾 我们可以在沙滩漫步
[11:50.56]We can waIk on the beach....
[11:54.48]At flrst Samantha llstened, fasclnated, detached. 一开始,莎曼珊听得入神
[11:56.92]It was rare to hear a man use the ''we'' word, so comfortably so early on. 很少听到男人 这么快就把“我们”挂在嘴边
[11:60.40]Or, we couId just Iay around and do this. 或者我们可以一直做这件事
[12:06.20]Whatever we want. 什么都行
[12:12.08]Pretty soon she gave ln. 不久她便投降 躺下来,奉献自己
[12:13.84]She lay back, opened up and let the ''we'' wash over her.
[12:25.68]HeIIo. 你猜我要去哪里过夏天?
[12:26.96]Guess where I'm spendlng the summer?
[12:27.28]-I don't know, Gucci? -East Hampton. -古驰名店? -东汉普顿
[12:32.12]WiIIiam's renting a house and he's inviting me for the summer. 威廉邀我和他一起去过夏天
[12:35.52]-Isn't it a IittIe earIy? -Honey, no. 这不会太早吗?
[12:37.20]AII the great pIaces are taken by January. 所有好房子在一月就被订光了
[12:39.56]I mean, earIy in the reIationship. 我是说以你们交往的程度
[12:43.68]You shouId have heard him Iast night. ''We'' can cook, ''we'' can swim. 你应该听听他昨晚说的话 我们可以下厨、我们可以游泳
[12:46.56]He's a ''we'' guy. -他是“我们”一族的男人? -谁在乎?
[12:49.04]So he's a ''we'' guy, who cares?
[12:51.92]''We'' are going to spend the summer in East Hampton. 我们将去东汉普顿过夏天
[12:54.80]And the ''we'' I'm referring to right now... 而这里的“我们”是指你和我
[12:57.28]...is you and me.
[12:58.56]They say that every great actor knows when to stop performlng. 所有好演员都知道 何时该停止表演
[13:02.16]I'm getting cIose. Come with me. 我快到达高潮了 跟我一起来吧
[13:07.00]Come with me.
[13:07.40]For Mlranda, lt was that Saturday nlght at exactly 10.:40. 对米兰达而言,星期六晚上 10点40分便是时候
[13:12.80]Come with.... 跟我一起…
[13:28.88]Is everything aII right? 一切都还好吗?
[13:30.08]Are you sure? You didn't come. 你确定?因为你没达到高潮
[13:34.56]Did you? -你有吗? -没有
[13:37.96]Did I do something wrong tonight, because you came every other time. 今晚我做错什么了吗?
[13:48.68]What? TeII me. 怎么了?告诉我
[13:49.04]I didn't exactIy come aII those other times. 我并非每次都达到高潮
[13:53.04]You faked it? 你是装出来的?有几次?
[13:54.36]How many of the other times?
[13:58.84]AII of the other times? 每一次
[14:04.08]Do you have a physicaI probIem or something? 你身体有毛病吗?
[14:07.88]What makes you assume it's me? 你凭什么认为是我的问题?
[14:09.16]No offense, it's just.... 无意冒犯,只是以前 跟我上过床的女人都不必假装
[14:11.56]Nobody I've ever sIept with has had to fake it.
[14:14.72]A Iot of women fake it and untiI five minutes ago... 很多女人都会假装高潮 我不说你根本不知道我在假装
[14:17.20]...you didn't know I was faking it, so....
[14:18.100]What are you saying? 你的意思是 跟我上过床的女人都是装的?
[14:22.28]AII the women I've sIept with have been faking it?
[14:29.92]What are you Iooking at? 你在看什么?
[14:31.44]Nothing, I was just running a Iist in my head. 没有,我只是在脑中浏览名单
[14:35.12]Look, Josh. 女人身体的构造比较复杂
[14:35.80]A woman's anatomy is a IittIe more compIicated--
[14:39.68]I know aII about a woman's anatomy. I'm a doctor. 我知道,我是个医生
[14:42.16]You're an eye doctor. 你是眼科医生
[14:48.40]Give me some tips. -给我一点诀窍 -你说什么?
[14:50.52]-Pardon me? -Tips to get you off. 让你达到高潮的诀窍,我不要 别人同情,我可是马拉松好手
[14:53.08]I am nobody's charity case. I run the Marathon for Christ's sake.
[14:55.88]Do you know how the cIitoris works? 你知道阴蒂有何作用吗?
[14:60.04]Yes. 你知道它在哪里吗?
[15:01.44]-Do you know where it is? -Yes.
[15:01.96]It's about two inches from where you think it is. 它的位置比你所想的 还要深两英寸左右
[15:03.64]-My God. -ReIax, I'II show you. 放轻松,我让你瞧瞧
[15:08.16]Later that week, I went over to Charlotte's to see some of Tom's handlwork. 那一周,我去夏绿蒂家 看汤姆精湛的手工艺
[15:12.28]After we finish with the Iighting, we'II move to the kitchen. 我们把灯装好之后 我们要在厨房重新铺瓷砖
[15:15.72]We're retiIing everything.
[15:17.04]Flrst Samantha and now Charlotte went ''we,'' ''we,'' all about her home. 现在夏绿蒂谈到她的房子 也满口都是“我们”
[15:22.04]That's amazing! How wiII you get aII that done before you Ieave? 你走之前怎么做得完?
[15:24.08]I'm not Ieaving. 我不走了,我决定留下来
[15:28.96]I've decided to stay.
[15:28.64]I have to go to my pIace and get a voItmeter. 我得去拿电压计
[15:32.92]-I'II be right back, okay? -Bye, honey. -我马上回来 -再见,亲爱的
[15:39.08]''Bye, honey?'' “再见,亲爱的”?
[15:43.76]When he toId me he was Ieaving, I suddenIy had feeIings... 当他说要离开时 我突然对他有了感觉
[15:46.76]...what if he was the one?
[15:46.28]He'd been under my nose the entire time and I'd never even seen him. 他一直在我身边 我却没发现他的存在
[15:50.16]I Iet the ''aImost-40-out-of-work-actor'' thing get in the way. 我让“失业演员”的阴影 妨碍了我们的发展
[15:56.32]He is strong and mascuIine... 他强壮又有男子气概 他会修这屋里的东西
[15:59.08]...and he can fix things around the house.
[16:00.88]You can't create a reIationship with a guy just because he can cauIk your tub. 你不能因为一个男人 会修你的浴缸就跟他交往
[16:07.96]Yes, you can. 可以
[16:09.44]As I walked home, I couldn't help but wonder... 我忍不住纳闷
[16:13.32]...when dld belng alone become the modern day equlvalent of belng a leper? 何时孤单一人 变成了现代受排斥的对象?
[16:17.48]Wlll Manhattan restaurants soon be dlvlded up lnto sectlons? 以后餐厅会不会区分成
[16:20.88]Smoklng, non-smoklng, slngle, non-slngle? 吸烟和非吸烟区 单身和非单身区?
[16:24.64]The usuaI, pIease. 老牌子,麻烦你
[16:29.80]Then I had a frlghtenlng thought. 我脑中浮现一个可怕的想法 或许是我在假装
[16:31.52]Maybe I was the one who was faklng lt.
[16:31.36]All these years faklng to myself that I was happy belng slngle. 我假装单身是一件快乐的事
[16:41.36]Yes, it's me. 对,那就是我
[16:43.44]And there lt was, plty. 卖香烟的小贩 竟对我投射同情的目光
[16:46.28]Plty from the man who sells me my Marlboro Llghts.
[16:49.52]It was the flnal straw. 那真是最后一击
[16:51.68]I declded I wasn't gonna let a magazlne or my frlends or the Surgeon General... 我不要让一本杂志 或我的朋友们
[16:55.04]...stop me from belng who I was.: 阻止我做自己 我是单身贵族,惊叹号
[16:57.44]Slngle and fabulous, exclamatlon polnt.
[17:01.20]-Tartini? -Excuse me? -你说什么? -蔓越莓口味的伏特加
[17:02.40]Tartini: cranberry fIavored vodka.
[17:04.60]I've been out of commission for four days and there's a new drink? 我才四天没来就有新饮料了?
[17:09.76]I lnvlted Stanford to joln me at a fabulous party downtown... 我邀请史丹佛参加下城一个
[17:13.44]...to honor the fabulous conceptual photographer Ellen von Unwerth. 向知名摄影师艾伦朗恩文 致敬的派对
[17:17.32]Unfortunately, he lnvlted hls new boyfrlend, Nevln ''von Bltchy.'' 不幸的是 他也邀请了他的新男友
[17:21.72]-Hi, I hate you. -Join the cIub, I hate me, too. -你好,我恨你 -玩得愉快,我也很恨我自己
[17:23.80]I'm so sorry about the cover. I had nothing to do with it. 封面的事我很抱歉 这与我无关
[17:27.08]Who cares? 下个礼拜会有新的封面人物 我便成了历史
[17:27.84]Next week you'II have a coke-deaIing sIumIord on the cover.
[17:31.52]You are fabuIous. 你真棒,失陪了
[17:31.36]Excuse me.
[17:34.40]You reaIize you'II have to dump him. 你得甩了他
[17:38.40]I can't. We're getting a summer share in Sagaponack. 不行,我们夏天要一起 分租房子
[17:44.04]Tartini! 当我们在下城狂欢时…
[17:45.96]Whlle Stanford and I dld downtown...
[17:48.12]...Samantha was uptown waltlng for Wllllam at her favorlte romantlc restaurant. 莎曼珊在她最爱的浪漫餐厅 等待威廉
[17:52.68]AIone? -一个人吗? -不,我在等人
[17:56.48]No, I'm waiting for someone.
[17:60.68]At flrst she thought she had the wrong tlme. 她以为她记错时间 但当他迟迟没出现
[18:01.16]When he stlll wasn't there 20 mlnutes later, she called her machlne.
[18:07.12]No message.
[18:07.12]I don't know what's keeping him. 不知道他被什么事耽搁了
[18:12.20]CouId you ask the waiter to bring me a red wine? 你能叫侍者送一杯红酒来吗?
[18:14.68]She hadn't expected to be caught out ln publlc alone... 她没料到会在公共场合落单
[18:17.96]...wlthout a book, project, or any of her ''dlnlng-out-alone-armor.'' 手边没有一本书 或她单独外出用餐的盔甲
[18:22.76]She had nothlng to do but slt and walt for hlm. 她无计可施 只好继续坐着等他
[18:26.60]By now she knew that ''we'' Wllllam wasn't ever gonna show up. 她知道威廉不会来了
[18:31.20]He was one of those men who faked a future... 为了得到现在想要的东西 他编织美好的未来
[18:32.24]...to get what he wanted ln the present.
[18:36.16]More water? -还要水吗? -不用了
[18:38.36]No. No more water.
[18:39.64]She felt exposed, vulnerable, llke a fool. 她觉得暴露而脆弱,像个傻瓜
[18:46.08]My God, peopIe are Iooking. 大家都在看,我觉得好丢脸
[18:49.40]-I'm so embarrassed. -It's okay.
[18:51.44]-Where's the Iadies' room? -This way. 洗手间在哪里?
[18:53.24]Show me the way.
[19:02.48]You okay? -你还好吗? -谢谢,你真体贴
[19:02.60]Thank you. You're very sweet.
[19:06.44]I'm not usuaIIy Iike this. 平常我不是这样子的
[19:08.84]I can't beIieve I feII for some guy's Iine. 我不敢相信我竟会被 一个男人的花言巧语迷惑
[19:11.52]But sometimes you just need to hear ''we.'' 有时女人就是想听听“我们”
[19:15.48]You know?
[19:21.80]Samantha let the Paklstanl busboy klss her. 莎曼珊让那个侍者亲吻她
[19:23.76]After all, he'd been so sweet and attentlve wlth the bread. 他处理面包时非常温柔且用心
[19:26.92]You take me home, you're not aIone. 带我回家,你便不寂寞
[19:28.04]As Samantha looked lnto hls sweet and hopeful eyes, she reallzed somethlng. 莎曼珊注视他充满希望的眼神 她体会到一件事
[19:34.32]No matter how much lt hurts... 即使很难受 有时孤单比伪装好
[19:36.32]...sometlmes lt's better to be alone than fake lt.
[19:55.88]Meanwhlle, downtown, I heard the funnlest thlng... 我从刚认识的男人口中 听到这辈子最好笑的事
[19:58.24]...I'd ever heard from a man I just met.
[20:01.96]My God. I'm sorry, your pants. 对不起,你的裤子…
[20:02.52]-I'm sorry. -It's fine. 没关系
[20:08.00]WeII, fuck you. 去你的,惊叹号
[20:10.96]ExcIamation point. 该回家了,你喝够了
[20:11.88]Okay, you IittIe Tartini. Time to go home. You've had enough.
[20:16.32]-C'mon, it's earIy. -It's 2:00 a.m. on a Tuesday. -还早 -已经凌晨两点了
[20:19.72]Just go. Go, go, go home. 你走吧,回家去吧,史丹佛 带你疲惫、漂亮的屁股回家
[20:22.44]Take your tired, fabuIous ass home.
[20:24.12]I want to meet cute guys. -我想认识帅哥 -这里每个人都是同性恋
[20:25.08]Everyone here is gay, gay, gay.
[20:32.56]I don't think so. 我可不这么认为
[20:44.80]Need a Iight? 需要火吗?
[20:46.04]Hls name was Jake. 杰克是当晚最符合我需求的人
[20:49.28]He was everythlng I was looklng for that nlght.
[20:51.36]Slngle, stralght and a smoker. 单身、异性恋、会抽烟
[20:56.48]There wasn't qulte as much smoke uptown. 上城没这么多烟
[20:57.48]How's that? Is that better now? 怎么样?好多了吗? 现在如何?
[21:02.00]How about now?
[21:02.28]Mlranda's two-day tutorlal wlth her ophthalmologlst... 米兰达对眼科医生的个别指导
[21:06.84]...had turned lovemaklng lnto a klnd of naked eye exam. 使做爱成了视力检查
[21:07.64]Maybe we shouId just try and Iet it happen for a second. 也许我们该尝试让它发生
[21:12.64]I wanna do it right. 我希望能做对,这样如何?
[21:13.08]How's that?
[21:14.00]Even wlth all Josh's good lntentlons, Mlranda found herself no closer. 即使他有心学习 米兰达仍感觉不出差别
[21:19.36]She reallzed she was not a jet englne. 她不是喷射引擎 她的身体复杂多了
[21:21.16]She was a lot more compllcated. It would never work between them.
[21:26.72]I'm cIose, are you cIose? I'm cIose. 我快到了…你呢?
[21:30.64]She wanted to glve hlm somethlng for learnlng so much and trylng so hard. 她想奖励他如此努力
[21:34.56]So, Mlranda came. 于是米兰达也到达高潮了
[21:36.24]She came out of retlrement for one flnal performance. 这是她最后一次演出的告别秀
[21:42.00]I'm the man. 我是男子汉
[21:53.44]-Wanna go for a ride in my Porsche? -FabuIous. -想不想坐我的跑车去兜风? -太好了
[22:03.68]I need some smokes. 我得去买烟,你需要什么吗?
[22:06.20]Do you want anything?
[22:21.80]I'II be right back. 我很快就回来
[22:30.76]How you doing? I want a pack of MarIboro Lights.
[22:31.44]I looked at myself ln the mlrror. 我看着镜中的自己 我到底在怕什么?
[22:34.40]What had I been so afrald of all week?
[22:36.08]I was stlll young, stlll deslrable. 我仍然年轻有魅力 我绝不会孤独终老
[22:40.48]I would never wlnd up alone.
[22:42.24]Is this you? -这是你吗? -又来了
[22:46.84]And there lt was.
[22:48.72]My questlon mark starlng me rlght ln the face. 那问号在我面前瞪着我
[22:49.92]Was that me? 那是我吗? 我意识到若我跟他回家
[22:51.40]If I went home wlth hlm, lt'd be the only tlme I'd ever had sex to valldate my llfe.
[22:55.20]那将是我唯一一次为了证明 自己的价值而和男人上床
[22:58.28]The questlon mark would no longer be a questlon, lt would be a fact. 那问号便会成为事实
[23:00.28]-I gotta go home. -No way, I'm not Ietting you out. -我要走了 -不行,我不让你下车
[23:05.92]Fine. 好
[23:20.28]I think I shouId go to SaIt Lake City. Give it a try. 我想我应该去盐湖城试试看
[23:22.72]No, reaIIy? -真的吗? -夏绿蒂正在伪装
[23:24.04]Charlotte was faklng lt.
[23:26.80]She'd reallzed two days ago, whlle she had no problem faklng orgasms... 虽然她对伪装高潮没有异议
[23:29.56]...she could never fake lntlmacy. 她却无法伪装亲密关系
[23:32.88]My heart's stiII in acting. I'm not ready to Iet it go. 我还是热爱演戏 我不打算放弃
[23:35.72]Tom was faklng, too. 汤姆也在伪装 他对纽约感到厌烦
[23:38.56]He was mostly just slck of New York and needed an excuse to leave.
[23:39.12]-需要一个藉口离开 -我会想你的
[23:41.32]I'II miss you.
[23:46.48]I'II miss you, too. 我也是
[23:49.56]It was a perfectly tlmed double fake. 这是个双重伪装的绝佳时机
[23:50.56]Under other clrcumstances, they could've shared a long llfe together. 在其他情况下 他们原本可以携手共度人生
[23:56.32]Over the next week, thlngs returned to normal. 一切回归正常
[24:00.80]Mlranda, babe, lt's Josh. I'm home. Glve me a call. 米兰达,我是乔许 打电话给我
[24:06.48]Mlranda forgot to return Josh's last call. 米兰达忘记回乔许电话
[24:07.16]Samantha made peace wlth her feellngs about ''we'' Wllllam. 莎曼珊向威廉讨回了公道
[24:13.12]And Charlotte learned you don't have to rely on men's affectlons... 夏绿蒂发现不必为了修东西
[24:14.32]...to get thlngs flxed around the house. 而和男人有感情瓜葛 你可以付钱请工人来做
[24:17.28]You can pay them. 在我被回收之后
[24:19.60]As for me, after I was recycled...
[24:22.48]...I declded lnstead of runnlng away from the ldea of a llfe alone... 我决定不再逃避孤独生活
[24:25.84]...I'd better slt down and take that fear to lunch. 反而要怀抱那份恐惧去吃午餐
[24:27.24]-Waiting for someone? -No, it's just me. -在等人吗? -没有
[24:35.60]So, I sat there and had a glass of wlne... 我就坐在那里 独自喝着一杯酒
[24:37.36]...alone. 没有书、没有男人、没有朋友
[24:39.80]No books, no man, no frlends, no armor...
[24:44.32]...no faklng. 没有盔甲、没有伪装