教程:TED演讲  浏览:721  
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      音乐产业常常在数码时代举步维艰。在这个有趣的演讲中,Ryan Holladay告诉我们,他为什么要尝试他所说的“位置感知型音乐”。完成这个编程和音乐上的壮举需要上百个地理标记过的音乐片段,而这些片段只有在听众亲临现场时才会播放。

      For any of you who have visited or lived in New York City, these shots might start to look familiar. This is Central Park, one of the most beautifully designed public spaces in America. But to anyone who hasn't visited, these images can't really fully convey. To really understand Central Park, you have to physically be there. Well, the same is true of the music, which my brother and I composed and mapped specifically for Central Park.

      如果你曾经去过或者居住在纽约, 也许会对这些画面感到熟悉 这是“中央公园” 全美设计最美的 公共区域之一 然而对没去过那里的人来说 这些画面很难触动他们 如果你想真正了解中央公园 就必须亲身前往 当然了,音乐也一样 这些专门为中央公园创作的片段 是由我的弟弟和我一起作曲并配图完成的

      I'd like to talk to you today a little bit about the work that my brother Hays and I are doing --That's us there. That's both of us actually — specifically about a concept that we've been developing over the last few years, this idea of location-aware music.

      今天我想与大家分享一些 我弟弟海斯和我一直在做的工作— 这就是我们。实际上这是我们两个人— 准确地说,这是我俩多年来 创造并发展的一个概念 称为“位置感知型音乐”

      Now, my brother and I, we're musicians and music producers. We've been working together since, well, since we were kids, really. But recently, we've become more and more interested in projects where art and technology intersect, from creating sight-specific audioand video installation to engineering interactive concerts.

      我弟弟和我是音乐家 同时也是音乐制作人 从童年开始, 我们就在一起工作 可最近,我们对一些项目越来越感兴趣 这些项目里, 艺术和科技相互交叉 内容从创作特定图画的影音, 设定视频装置 延伸到策划互动型音乐会

      But today I want to focus on this concept of composition for physical space.

      然而今天,我想要重点谈的是 为物理空间作曲的概念

      But before I go too much further into that, let me tell you a little bit about how we got startedwith this idea. My brother and I were living in New York City when the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude did their temporary installation, The Gates, in Central Park. Hundreds of these brightly-colored sculptures decorated the park for a number of weeks, and unlike work that's exhibited in a more neutral space, like on the walls of a gallery or a museum, this was work that was really in dialogue with this place, and in a lot of ways, The Gates was really a celebration of Frederick Olmsted's incredible design. This was an experience that stayed with us for a long time, and years later, my brother and I moved back to Washington, D.C.,and we started to ask the question, would it be possible, in the same way that The Gatesresponded to the physical layout of the park, to compose music for a landscape? Which brought us to this.

      不过在更深入这个话题之前 我想大致谈谈我们是如何产生 这个想法的 我弟弟和我住在纽约市的时候 艺术家克里斯托和让娜-克劳德夫妇 在中央公园搭建了 临时展品《门》 上千座艳丽的雕塑 装饰了公园,长达数周 与陈列在更为普通的空间中的 展品不同 它们并不在画廊或博物馆的墙上 而是与环境 进行着对话 从很多角度看, 《门》称得上是对 弗莱德里克 欧姆斯泰德非凡设计的致敬 这段经历一直跟随着我们 多年以后 我和弟弟搬回了华盛顿特区 我们开始问这样一个问题: 有没有可能, 就像《门》 呼应了公园的布局一样, 也可以创作呼应自然风景的音乐呢? 这种想法给了我们这个作品

      On Memorial Day, we released "The National Mall," a location-aware album released exclusively as a mobile app that uses the device's built-in GPS functionality to sonically map the entire park in our hometown of Washington, D.C. Hundreds of musical segmentsare geo-tagged throughout the entire park so that as a listener traverses the landscape, a musical score is actually unfolding around them. So this is not a playlist or a list of songsintended for the park, but rather an array of distinct melodies and rhythms that fit together like pieces of a puzzle and blend seamlessly based on a listener's chosen trajectory. So think of this as a choose-your-own-adventure of an album.

      阵亡将士纪念日那天,我们发行了《华盛顿广场》 一张基于地理位置的专辑 这是一个独特的移动软件 它能使用移动设备中得GPS功能 让人在公园的不同区域听到不同的音乐 在我们的家乡华盛顿特区都能实现 上千条音乐片段 对整个公园进行了地理标记 这样当听众穿行在景点中 一份乐谱便在他们身边缓缓展开 因此,这并不是一个以公园为主题的 播放列表 而是一系列独特的旋律 和拼图一样, 天衣无缝地吻合在一起 一切都是根据听众选择的路径进行的所以请将它当做 一张“任你探索”的专辑

      Let's take a closer look. Let's look at one example here. So using the app, as you make your way towards the grounds surrounding the Washington Monument, you hear the sounds of instruments warming up, which then gives way to the sound of a mellotron spelling out a very simple melody. This is then joined by the sound of sweeping violins. Keep walking, and a full choir joins in, until you finally reach the top of the hill and you're hearing the sound of drums and fireworks and all sorts of musical craziness, as if all of these sounds are radiating out from this giant obelisk that punctuates the center of the park. But were you to walk in the opposite direction, this entire sequence happens in reverse. And were you to actually exit the perimeter of the park, the music would fade to silence, and the play button would disappear.

      让我们进一步了解 请看这个例子 当你使用这个软件 走进华盛顿纪念碑周围的小路 走进华盛顿纪念碑周围的小路 会听见乐器的声音活跃起来 接着由电子琴接上, 奏出一段简单的旋律然后加入小提琴的泛音 一直走下去,和声也加入了 等到你到达国会山顶 会听见鼓声和烟花以及各种音乐华彩 就好像它们正从公园中心的 巨大纪念碑 向外辐射开来 但是如果你朝相反的方向走 整个音乐顺序就会反过来 如果你离开公园的地界 音乐就会减弱到无声 “播放”键也会消失不见

      We're sometimes contacted by people in other parts of the world who can't travel to the United States, but would like to hear this record. Well, unlike a normal album, we haven't been able to accommodate this request. When they ask for a C.D. or an MP3 version, we just can't make that happen, and the reason is because this isn't a promotional app or a game to promote or accompany the release of a traditional record. In this case, the app is the work itself, and the architecture of the landscape is intrinsic to the listening experience.

      一些无法来美国旅行的外国人, 有时会和我们联络 希望听听这些音乐 但是,这和传统的唱片不一样 我们还无法满足他们的要求 当他们想要一张CD或者MP3的版本时 我们真的无法做到 因为这并不是 一个试用版 也不是某个游戏的宣传版, 或者传统唱片的试听小样 对这个产品来说,这个软件就是它本身 而景观是什么样子,取决于欣赏的过程 而景观是什么样子,取决于欣赏的过程

      Six months later, we did a location-aware album for Central Park, a park that is over two times the size of the National Mall, with music spanning from the Sheep's Meadow to the Ramble to the Reservoir.

      六个月之后,我们为中央公园 做了一个地理感知的唱片 中央公园比两个华盛顿广场还大从“绵羊草坪”到“游荡“再到”水库湖“, 都充满了音乐

      Currently, my brother and I are working on projects all over the country, but last spring we started a project, here actually at Stanford's Experimental Media Art Department, where we're creating our largest location-aware album to date, one that will span the entirety of Highway 1 here on the Pacific Coast.

      如今我和弟弟一起 在全国各地开展创作 上个春天我们进行了一个项目 就在这里,斯坦福大学的 实验媒体艺术系 我们创作着迄今最大的一个地理感知专辑 它将跨越整个西海岸的 一号公路

      But what we're doing, integrating GPS with music, is really just one idea. But it speaks to a larger vision for a music industry that's sometimes struggled to find its footing in this digital age, that they begin to see these new technologies not simply as ways of adding bells and whistles to an existing model, but to dream up entirely new ways for people to interact withand experience music.

      然而所有这些,将GPS技术和音乐结合的工作 仅仅是一种理念 但它给音乐产业带来一个新愿景 有时候传统音乐很难在数码时代 找到立足之地 (通过地理感知音乐)人们开始看到这些新技术 不仅仅能为音乐加上 铃声和口哨声 而是能开辟一番新天地 让人们能够与音乐互动 并感知它们

      Thank you.


      上一篇:TED演讲:一位TED演讲者的噩梦 下一篇:TED演讲:医生们会犯错误,我们能否谈论他们所犯过的错误


