Today I'm going to talk about unexpected discoveries. Now I work in the solar technology industry. And my small startup is looking to force ourselves into the environment by paying attention to ... ... paying attention to crowd-sourcing. It's just a quick video of what we do.
今天,我要谈一谈 一些出人意料的发现 现在我在太阳能技术产业工作 我那间小小的公司刚刚创办 正在寻求迫使我们 融入自然的方法 这要通过关注... 关注众包来实现 这段小视频 展示了我们所做的工作
Huh. Hang on a moment. It might take a moment to load.
哈,等一下 加载视频需要点时间
We'll just -- we can just skip -- I'll just skip through the video instead ...
也许我们可以跳过-- 我会跳过视频...
This is not ...
Solar technology is ... Oh, that's all my time? Okay. Thank you very much.
太阳能技术是... 不会吧,我的时间已经到了? 好吧,非常感谢