欲望都市第三季 戏剧皇后 Drama Queen
教程:欲望都市第三季  浏览:2409  
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    [00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:34:53



    [00:38.72](性爱专家凯莉布雷萧 并且勇于发问)


    [00:49.84]lt happened twO days agO. 事情发生在两天前

    [00:50.04]Aidan and l had been seeing eaCh Other fOr three weeKs when... 艾登和我已经大约交往了 三个礼拜…

    [00:57.08]- What is it? Bad dream? - l'm nOt sure. -怎么了?做噩梦? -我不确定

    [01:04.44]- What's wrOng? - l dOn't KnOw. -怎么回事? -我不知道

    [01:08.04]The truth was l really didn't. 事实上我真的不知道

    [01:11.40]The next day l searChed fOr unpaid bills, 隔天我寻找未付的帐单 没回的电话、没交的稿子

    [01:16.60]unanswered Calls, unmet deadlines.

    [01:17.48]But l hadn't sO muCh as missed a teeth Cleaning. 但我连洗牙的约诊都没错过

    [01:22.88]My life appeared tO be in Order. 我的生活似乎井然有序

    [01:26.12]But the next night, liKe ClOCKwOrK... 但隔天晚上…非常规律地…

    [01:32.00]l realized l was in an existential Crisis. 我发现自己陷入了存在危机

    [01:33.88]One that nOt even the sight Of this seasOn's DOlCe & Gabbana sandals 连当季的杜嘉班纳凉鞋

    [01:37.24]COuld lift me Out Of. 都无法将我解救出来

    [01:47.08]DO yOu wanna spend the night? 你想留下来过夜吗?

    [01:52.48]- l'm gOnna get sOme water. - Relax. l'll get it. -我去倒杯水 -放轻松,我去倒

    [02:07.40]Then l realized it. 那一刻我明白了

    [02:08.88]What was wrOng was, fOr the first time in my life, 问题出在这是我生平第一次 毫无困扰的感情

    [02:10.76]l was in a relatiOnship where absOlutely nOthing was wrOng.

    [02:21.08]lt's smOOth sailing. 一帆风顺 只有平静的海和蔚蓝的地平线

    [02:22.00]NOthing but Calm seas, blue hOrizOns.

    [02:23.56]See what l'm saying? 你们明白我的意思吗?

    [02:26.76]AbsOlutely. NOt a ClOud in sight. 当然明白,万里无云

    [02:29.56]We adOre eaCh Other. 我们崇拜对方、相处愉快

    [02:30.76]We have fun. We mesh. 我们很契合

    [02:32.64]And this is a prOblem? 这是问题吗?

    [02:36.92]lt feels Odd. l'm used tO the hunt. 感觉很奇怪 我习惯经过一番辛苦

    [02:42.16]This is...effOrtless. lt's freaKing me Out. 这次却…不费吹灰之力 简直快把我逼疯了

    [02:47.84]l tOtally understand. YOu're nOt getting the stOmaCh flip. 我完全了解 你的胃没有翻搅的感觉

    [02:50.24]WhiCh is just a fear Of lOsing the guy. 这只是害怕失去他的恐惧

    [02:51.80]Maybe l'm nOt used tO being with sOmeOne 或许我不习惯 坦率、毫不保留的男人

    [02:54.60]whO dOesn't dO the seduCtive withhOlding danCe.

    [02:59.48]But there is an upside tO being with a guy with nO surprises. 不过跟一个缺乏惊喜的男人 在一起也有好处

    [03:03.96]Steve is COmpletely prediCtable, but that's what l lOve abOut him. 史蒂夫完全可以预测 这就是我喜欢他的地方

    [03:07.20]He's sO COmfOrtable and safe. -他让人觉得舒服、有安全感 -你交往的是男人或迷你货车

    [03:09.12]Are yOu dating a man Or a mini-van?

    [03:12.36]My new favOrite thing tO dO On a Saturday night is Steve's laundry 星期六晚上我最爱做的事

    [03:16.88]and l've never been happier. 就是帮史蒂夫洗衣服 我从来没有这么快乐过

    [03:18.88]YOur relatiOnship is my greatest fear realized. 你的感情生活是 我最大恐惧的实现

    [03:20.24]l understand yOur dilemma and frOm my experienCe, 我明白你的困境 就我的经验看来

    [03:24.72]if he seems tOO gOOd tO be true, he prObably is. 如果他好得令人难以置信 很可能不是真的

    [03:29.32]l dOn't believe this. NOw we're dumping guys fOr being tOO available. 我真不敢相信,现在我们因为 男人太殷勤而甩了他们

    [03:31.56]This is all sOlid prOOf Of what l've read in this great new bOOK. 最近我读的这本很棒的新书 说得果然没错

    [03:38.52]lt says if yOu really wanna get married, 它说如果你真的想结婚

    [03:39.92]yOu shOuldn't spend sO muCh time arOund dysfunCtiOnal single wOmen. 便不该花那么多时间 和不正常的单身女子打交道

    [03:43.12]''Marriage lnCOrpOrated: “婚姻有限公司”

    [03:44.20]''HOw tO apply suCCessful business strategies tO finding a husband''. “如何将成功的商业策略 运用在寻找丈夫上”

    [03:49.76]Chapter One: ''HOw TO Get Ahead By Giving Head''. 第一章 “如何靠口交取得先机”

    [03:54.80]Fine! MaKe fun. lt's a very smart bOOK. 算了,尽管嘲笑吧 这是一本很有见地的书

    [03:58.68]lt enCOurages prOfessiOnal wOmen tO apprOaCh finding a mate 它鼓励事业有成的女性 以她们投注在工作上

    [04:04.36]with the dediCatiOn and OrganizatiOn they bring tO their Careers. 那份相同的专注和组织能力 来寻找另一半

    [04:06.96]l'm mOre a student Of ChaOs theOry. 我比较信奉混乱理论

    [04:09.76]lf yOu dOn't see as muCh Of me, l'm with my married friends. 如果你们往后不常看到我 那是因为我跟已婚朋友在一起

    [04:13.80]And hOw will this help yOu meet yOur mate? 这怎么帮你找到另一半?

    [04:16.48]BaChelOr friends Of married men are the City's greatest untapped resOurCe. 已婚男人的单身朋友是 这个城市中最棒的未开发资源

    [04:23.88]The way tO meet them is thrOugh the husbands. 要认识他们就得透过丈夫介绍

    [04:25.56]SO my first assignment is tO befriend the husbands. lt's my new jOb. 所以我的首要任务就是和丈夫 交朋友,这是我新的全职工作

    [04:30.92]That evening, as CharlOtte began her new Career as a husband-hunter, 当晚,夏绿蒂成为一名猎夫者

    [04:34.72]Miranda returned hOme tO feather her stress-free lOve nest. 米兰达则回家用羽毛装饰 她无压力的爱巢

    [04:39.44]- l heated up sOme leftOver lasagne. - Great. l'm starving. -我热了一些没吃完的千层面 -太棒了,我好饿

    [04:43.32]- Wanna get sOme plates? - What fOr? lt's just us. -要拿盘子装吗? -有何必要?只有我们而已

    [04:49.08]An hOur later it was On tO dessert. 一个小时后上甜点

    [04:53.36]FOllOwed by exaCtly eight minutes Of nO-frills sex. 之后是正好八分钟的 简单性爱

    [04:57.16]And 12 minutes Of ''FrOnt Line''. 以及十二分钟的“夜线新闻”

    [05:04.92]Theirs was the Kind Of ClOseness that Only Came frOm true intimaCy. 他们之间的相处模式 只有真正的亲密才能营造出来

    [05:16.24]Samantha was experienCing intimaCy that Only Came frOm anOnymity. 同时,莎曼珊正经历 只有陌生人才能提供的亲密

    [05:21.100]His name was Dr. MarK RasKin. 他是马克拉斯金医生

    [05:24.80]An ear, nOse and thrOat man that Samantha met... 专长耳鼻喉科,是莎曼珊在…

    [05:28.68]aCtually we're nOt sure where. SuffiCe tO say it happened quiCKly. 老实说我们不确定在哪里认识 但他们的关系进展神速

    [05:32.68]Will yOu get me sOme water, please? -帮我倒杯水好吗? -为什么?

    [05:32.92]- What fOr? - l want tO taKe a hit Of Viagra. 我想吃一颗威而钢

    [05:38.92]Number One - that's very presumptuOus Of yOu. 第一,你真是太放肆了

    [05:41.68]And number twO - 第二,就我所知 你不需要任何药物的帮助

    [05:45.76]frOm what l Can tell, yOu dOn't need any help in that area whatsOever.

    [05:49.24]l dOn't need it. l just taKe it reCreatiOnally. 我的确不需要 我只是把它当作消遣

    [05:53.20]What dOes it dO fOr yOu? 它有什么作用?

    [05:54.92]Sends me On a rOCKet trip right thrOugh yOur sOlar system. 让我在一趟火箭之旅中 直冲你的太阳系

    [06:01.48]l'll be right baCK with that... 我马上拿水…

    [06:03.88]...water. 回来

    [06:16.36]While Samantha enjOyed the thrill Of the new 当莎曼珊享受新男友的刺激

    [06:20.84]and Miranda's relatiOnship happily flOated On a plaCid sea 而米兰达的感情生活 幸福地漂浮在平静海上

    [06:24.24]l was searChing fOr hidden iCebergs. 我则在寻找隐藏的冰山

    [06:28.04]Why are yOu still single? -为什么你还是单身? -那你呢?

    [06:29.80]- Why are yOu still single? - DOn't dO that. 不要这样,我讨厌男人装可爱

    [06:33.16]l hate it when guys aCt all Cute.

    [06:39.24]- What? - Waiting fOr an apOlOgy. -怎么了? -等你道歉

    [06:41.32]OK. l'm a bitCh. l'm sOrry. 好,我是坏女人,对不起

    [06:44.12]YOu shOuld KnOw l get a tad bitChy frOm time tO time. 你应该知道 我三不五时会耍孩子脾气

    [06:47.92]l'm sure yOu have yOur bad traits. And they wOuld be? 我相信你一定也有缺点 是什么?

    [06:52.88]- AlphabetiCally? - Whatever yOu gOt. -照字母顺序? -随便你

    [06:52.68]lt's all gOnna COme Out eventually, sO l'd liKe tO KnOw nOw 反正最后都会显露出来 所以我想现在知道

    [06:56.52]and that way l Can deCide if l'd liKe tO deal with it Or nOt. 如此一来我便可以决定 是否愿意接受

    [06:59.12]This is the strangest twO blOCKs l ever walKed. 这是我所走过最奇怪的两条街

    [07:01.08]Again l'm sOrry, but this relatiOnship CannOt just sail On liKe it is: perfeCt. 再次说抱歉 但这段感情不可能这么完美

    [07:08.48]FranKly, l Can't taKe the pressure. 坦白说,我承受不了压力

    [07:09.36]OK. l'm gOnna Kiss yOu nOw. 好吧,现在我要吻你

    [07:19.20]SeriOusly. What the hell is wrOng with yOu that yOu're nOt married? 认真一点,你还没结婚 到底是因为哪里有问题?

    [07:22.60]- Tell me. - Can't yOu relax and gO with the flOw. -告诉我 -难道你不能顺其自然吗?

    [07:25.76]GO with the flOw?. NO, l Can't dO that. lt's sO seventies. 顺其自然?不行,我办不到 这太七十年代了

    [07:30.84]HOw lOng yOu thinK this phase is gOnna last? 你认为这个阶段会持续多久?

    [07:34.12]My fOlKs are COming this weeKend and l want yOu tO meet them. 这个周末我父母要来城里 我希望你和他们见面

    [07:40.16]- That's sO... - Fifties? -这实在太… -五十年代?

    [07:43.24]That is really niCe. 这真的很棒

    [07:48.84]SO, these parents that are COming tO tOwn... 那么这对要来城里的父母

    [07:53.48]dO they KnOw what's wrOng with yOu? 知道你有什么毛病吗?

    [07:55.48]Let's get yOu a dOughnut. 我们去买甜甜圈吧

    [07:59.04]Nuts. 傻瓜

    [08:03.76]The next evening, taKing a page frOm ''Marriage lnCOrpOrated'', 隔天晚上 根据“婚姻有限公司”的建议

    [08:07.12]CharlOtte had dinner with her married friends, Amy and Dennis. 夏绿蒂和一对夫妻共进晚餐 艾美和丹尼斯

    [08:09.48]AllOw me tO get right tO the pOint. 容我开门见山地说

    [08:13.88]After Careful COnsideratiOn, l've deCided that l'm getting married. 经过仔细考虑 我决定今年要结婚

    [08:17.88]- CharlOtte, that's wOnderful! - WhO's the luCKy guy? -夏绿蒂,真是太好了 -那幸运的家伙是谁?

    [08:21.92]l dOn't KnOw yet. That's where yOu twO COme in. 我还不知道 这就是需要你们帮忙的地方

    [08:25.04]Dennis, name One great single friend that yOu have tO fix me up with. 丹尼斯,列举一个你非介绍 给我认识不可的单身汉

    [08:28.60]l dOn't KnOw. NO One yOu'd liKe Offhand. 我不晓得 没有让你一见钟情的男人

    [08:34.24]- What abOut Phil? - Phil, yeah. -菲尔如何? -菲尔…

    [08:38.56]lf he Can tear himself away frOm his internet COmpany tO gO On a date. 若他愿意放下网路公司的业务 去赴一个约会的话

    [08:44.28]Yes! Phil. 好极了,菲尔

    [08:45.08]Phil, Phil, Phil. 菲尔…

    [08:45.60]He is sO niCe and Cute. 他人很好,而且很帅

    [08:49.08]- YOu thinK Phil's Cute? - He's Cute. -你觉得菲尔很帅? -他很帅

    [08:53.96]l Can see that. 是…我同意

    [08:54.12]Great. Then it's all set up. l'll Call yOu tOmOrrOw tO fOllOw up. 太棒了,那就这么决定 我明天再打电话给你安排细节

    [08:60.48]LOOK! l have tiCKets tO the Opera On Saturday night. 我有星期六晚上歌剧的入场券 我想带菲尔一起去

    [09:01.40]- l wOuld liKe tO taKe Phil. - Great.


    [09:11.64]The next mOrning befOre wOrK, while sOrting Steve's laundry, 隔天早上出门以前 当她将史蒂夫的脏衣服分类时

    [09:12.44]Miranda Came faCe tO faCe with the true meaning Of intimaCy. 米兰达这才见识到 何谓真实的亲密

    [09:23.44]l was wrOng. 我错了,情侣之间相处 会走到一个过于放松的阶段

    [09:24.64]There is a pOint where a COuple Can get tOO COmfOrtable.

    [09:28.60]l reaChed it this mOrning washing Steve's underwear. 今天早上我在洗 史蒂夫的内裤时抵达了

    [09:32.52]Why, what happened? 怎么回事?

    [09:35.20]- l'm living with ''sKid marKs'' guy. - Oh, nO! Terrible. -我跟有“屎渍”的家伙同居 -不会吧,真是悲惨

    [09:38.68]l dOn't get it. Why dO men get sKid marKs? 我搞不懂 为什么男人会有屎渍?

    [09:43.52]ls it laziness? Or are they just in a rush? 是因为懒惰还是赶时间?

    [09:45.100]l dOn't KnOw but it gOes hand in hand with urinating On the seat. 我不知道 但这和尿在椅子上密不可分

    [09:52.12]l tell yOu One thing. When yOur bOyfriend is sO COmfOrtable 当你的男友如此放松

    [09:55.40]he Can't be bOthered tO wipe his ass, that's the end Of rOmanCe. 他连擦屁股都省了 那简直是浪漫的终结

    [09:58.32]lt's Certainly the end Of laundry night. 这也必定是洗衣夜的终结

    [10:02.84]lt gOt me thinKing. Maybe l mistaKe falling intO a rut with intimaCy. 我在想,也许我不该 让亲密关系落入俗套

    [10:05.12]- HOw Often are yOu having sex? - Often enOugh. -你们多久做爱一次? -够频繁了,但都照例行程序

    [10:08.80]But it's tOtally generiC. We've gOt every mOve dOwn pat. 我们每个步骤都很精准 好像在比赛谁先达到高潮

    [10:13.36]lt's mOre liKe a raCe tO have an Orgasm.

    [10:14.16]- lt's niCe tO be a COntestant, isn't it? - Sure. l KnOw what yOu mean. -然而,能参赛还是一件好事 -我懂你的意思

    [10:19.40]We whine when we dOn't have a bOyfriend, we whine when we dO. 没有男友时我们会抱怨 等到有了却依然满腹牢骚

    [10:24.60]DO yOu remember hOw Big Kept me away frOm his mOther? 你记得大人物隔离我和他母亲 仿佛我是个痳疯病人

    [10:28.84]- l remember. - And hOw pissed it used tO maKe me? -让我当时多生气? -我记得

    [10:32.24]NOw, Aidan's Offering bOth his parents On a silver platter 现在,艾登将他父母 放在银盘上对我双手奉上

    [10:35.00]and l'm nOt sure l want tO meet them. 我不确定是否想和他们见面

    [10:39.80]Maybe it's tOO sOOn. 也许太快了

    [10:42.48]l've never met Steve's mOther and l'm in nO rush. 我从来没见过史蒂夫的母亲 我可是一点都不急

    [10:43.28]The irOny is Aidan's aCting exaCtly hOw l wish Big wOuld have behaved. 讽刺的是,艾登的举动 恰好是我希望大人物做的事

    [10:48.76]And l'm behaving just liKe Big. 而我的反应就跟大人物一样

    [10:50.04]Maybe yOu dOn't believe it's fOr real unless sOmebOdy plays hard tO get. 也许你不相信这是来真的 除非某个人玩欲擒故纵的游戏

    [10:54.88]When things COme tOO easy, we're suspeCt. 当事情变得太容易 我们就会产生怀疑

    [10:59.92]DO they have tO get COmpliCated befOre we believe they're fOr real? 难道一定要很复杂 我们才相信是真的吗?

    [11:02.48]We're raised tO believe that true lOve never runs smOOthly. 我们从小就相信 真爱必定历经波折

    [11:05.84]There always have tO be ObstaCles in ACt TwO 第二幕一定会出现障碍

    [11:09.96]befOre yOu Can live happily ever after in ACt Three. 然后才能在第三幕 从此过着幸福快乐的生活

    [11:12.72]But what happens when the ObstaCles aren't there? 但万一没有障碍怎么办?

    [11:14.28]DOes that mean there's sOmething missing? 那是否意味着少了些什么?

    [11:16.60]DO we need drama tO maKe a relatiOnship wOrK? 感情是否需要变得戏剧化 才会成功?

    [11:21.08]A few days later, still hearing nO wOrd frOm Dennis abOut her date 几天后,仍然没收到丹尼斯 对于安排约会的只字片语

    [11:23.36]CharlOtte made a Call tO his OffiCe. 夏绿蒂打电话到他办公室

    [11:25.60]CharlOtte YOrKe. He Can reaCh me at hOme Or at wOrK 夏绿蒂约克 他可以打到家里或画廊

    [11:31.00]and it's very impOrtant beCause l have tiCKets tO the Opera On Saturday. 这非常重要 因为我有星期六歌剧的票…

    [11:34.80]Never mind, just have him Call me. 算了,叫他打给我就是了

    [11:37.96]Her Call unanswered, CharlOtte fOllOwed up persistently. 他没有回电 夏绿蒂坚持追踪到底

    [11:41.00]Can yOu tell Dennis that CharlOtte YOrKe Called? 可以请你转告丹尼斯 夏绿蒂约克来电吗?

    [11:45.48]Yes, he'll KnOw what it's regarding. 对,他知道是什么事

    [11:49.16]lt's regarding my future husband, Phil. 这关系到我未来的丈夫菲尔

    [11:51.36]OK? ThanK yOu. 好吗?谢谢你

    [11:53.04]Hi. YOu've reaChed the OffiCe Of Dennis FinCher. 你好 这是丹尼斯芬奇的办公室

    [11:56.24]l'm either Out Of the OffiCe Or away frOm my desK. 我不是离开了办公室 就是不在座位上

    [11:60.00]Please leave a message at the sOund Of the tOne. 请在提示声后留话

    [12:02.32]Well. ObviOusly, yOu have sOme gOOd reasOn fOr Keeping Phil and l apart. 显然你有某些充分的理由 企图阻止我和菲尔见面

    [12:08.20]l Can't imagine what it is but this is Phil's lOss and nOt mine 我想像不到是什么但我告诉你 这是菲尔的损失而不是我

    [12:14.44]and dOn't bOther returning this Call either. 还有这通电话也不必回了

    [12:19.08]While CharlOtte was a wOman On the verge Of a nervOus breaKdOwn... 当夏绿蒂处于精神崩溃的边缘

    [12:25.64]...my anxiety-free relatiOnship was driving me Crazy. 我毫无忧虑的感情生活 快把我逼疯

    [12:34.04]ExCuse me. -不好意思,抱歉 -失陪一下

    [12:40.96]- SOrry it's taKing sO lOng. - That's all right. -抱歉,让你等这么久 -没关系

    [12:44.56]l'm gOnna have tO pass On dinner. lt's getting sO late. l've gOt a deadline. 我不能陪你吃晚餐了 时间太晚了,我得回去赶稿

    [12:47.76]OK. NO prOblem. 好,没问题

    [12:49.52]My parents get in tOmOrrOw night. They'll want tO Crash. 我父母明天晚上到 他们想在这里过夜

    [12:53.32]But l thOught yOu'd meet us fOr breaKfast the next day. 后天你和我们一起吃早餐

    [12:60.36]l've been thinKing abOut this meeting yOur parents. 我一直在想和你父母见面的事

    [13:06.20]- l just wOndered if it's a gOOd idea. - They gOnna lOve yOu. -我不知道这是不是个好主意 -他们会喜欢你的

    [13:09.88]NO, l'm nOt wOrried abOut that. Parents always thinK l'm adOrable. 不,我不担心这个 长辈一向认为我很可爱

    [13:16.68]- What's the prOblem? - Well... -问题是什么? -万一…

    [13:19.44]What if they lOve me... and if we breaK up 万一他们很喜欢我… 如果我们分手

    [13:23.44]yOu'll always have tO explain tO them what happened tO the adOrable girl. 你便得一直跟他们解释 那位可爱的女孩怎么了

    [13:26.72]- Are yOu breaKing up with me? - NO. -你要跟我分手吗? -不是

    [13:31.16]Where l COme frOm, meeting the parents... Oh, sO big! 在我的观念里 和父母见面…是一件大事

    [13:37.72]- YOu'll meet them sOme Other time. - OK. -你改天再和他们见面吧 -好

    [13:41.64]SO, l guess we wOn't be seeing eaCh Other this weeKend. 那么这个周末我们不会见面了

    [13:48.08]- l'll miss yOu. - Maybe that's gOOd. -我会想你的 -也许这是好事

    [13:50.88]Maybe we shOuld see eaCh Other less then we Can miss eaCh Other mOre. 也许我们应该少见面一点 这样就能多想念对方一些

    [13:57.60]YOu're sO available tO me, and l'm sO available tO yOu. 你总是随传随到 而我也总是随传随到

    [14:01.56]Maybe we're bOth tOO... 也许我们都太…随传随到了


    [14:10.24]Carrie, it's nO big deal. l have a life. 这没大不了,我有自己的生活 只是挪出空间给你

    [14:12.32]l'm just maKing rOOm fOr yOu.

    [14:15.00]YOu always say the right things. 你总是说中我心意

    [14:21.28]- GOOdbye. - Bye. -再见 -再见

    [14:38.16]This is nuts. l'm sabOtaging the best relatiOnship l've ever had. 我疯了,我正在破坏 自己所拥有过最完美的感情

    [14:41.08]lt's better tO have a man waiting fOr yOu than the Other way arOund. 让男人等你比你等男人好多了

    [14:46.92]- l guess. - And if yOu hadn't been available, -我想是吧 -再说,如果你没空

    [14:51.80]l'd be here alOne, just sOme pathetiC dateless freaK. 我就得一个人来 当个没有男伴的可悲怪胎

    [14:53.28]SO glad it wOrKed Out fOr yOu. 很高兴能陪你来

    [14:56.48]- WhO are yOu Calling? - l'm nOt taKing this lying dOwn. -你打电话给谁? -我不会就这么算了

    [15:01.64]Hi. YOu've reaChed Amy and Dennis. Leave it at the beep. 这是艾美和丹尼斯的家 请在哔一声后留话

    [15:07.60]Well, here l am at the Opera whiCh l planned On gOing tO with Phil, 现在我人在歌剧院 本来我打算跟菲尔一起来的

    [15:10.68]whO l guess yOu've deCided l'm nOt gOOd enOugh fOr. 就是我猜你决定 我配不上他的那个人

    [15:14.24]CharlOtte? lt's Dennis. 夏绿蒂?我是丹尼斯

    [15:18.76]l'm sO sOrry. l just gOt baCK frOm a business trip. 真的很抱歉,我刚出差回来

    [15:21.24]My seCretary gave me all yOur messages. 我的秘书已经转告我 你所有的留话

    [15:24.00]l had nO idea yOu wanted tO meet Phil sO badly. 我不知道你这么想见菲尔

    [15:27.16]Well, he sOunded niCe. lt's nOt a big deal. 他听起来是不错的人 这没什么大不了

    [15:29.28]Why dOn't l set sOmething up tOmOrrOw evening? 7:30? 不如明天晚上见面?七点半?

    [15:35.96]- YOu KnOw Rudy's, MidtOwn? - l lOve that plaCe. -你知道中区的路迪酒吧吗? -我好喜欢那地方

    [15:38.20]Phil will meet yOu there. l guarantee it. 菲尔会在那里等你,我保证

    [15:44.76]l'm sO silly. l Created all that drama in my head fOr nOthing. 我好傻,全是我自己胡思乱想

    [15:49.84]- What are we seeing again? - ''Aida.'' -我们要看哪部戏? -“阿伊达”

    [16:01.48]- l guess l'm in fOr anOther wild ride. - l'd say we bOth are. -我准备开始另一趟狂野旅程 -我们两个都是

    [16:09.32]What wOuld happen if l tried One Of these? 如果我吃一颗会怎么样?

    [16:14.52]l dOn't thinK they've established that it wOrKs fOr wOmen. 我想那对女人没有作用

    [16:17.60]There's nO harm in trying is there, dOCtOr? 试试也无妨,对吗,医生?

    [16:21.84]BOttOms up! 干杯

    [16:31.28]20 minutes later, 20分钟后

    [16:33.28]Samantha OffiCially beCame the first wOman tO land On the mOOn. 莎曼珊正式成为 第一个登上月球的女人

    [16:51.68]- lsn't the Opera rOmantiC? - Even mOre sO with a man. -歌剧很浪漫吧? -跟男人来看会更浪漫

    [16:54.28]Well, l did expeCt tO be taKing Phil. 我确实很想带菲尔来

    [16:57.52]lt's quite a lOvely evening yOu planned fOr a man yOu've never even met. 你为一个素未谋面的男人 安排了这么一个美好的夜晚

    [17:02.52]He sOunded really niCe. 他听起来真的不错

    [17:02.32]- Here. - ThanKs. -给你 -谢谢

    [17:44.48]YOu KnOw what, hOney, l'm nOt feeling well. l'm gOing hOme. 亲爱的,我不太舒服 我要回家了

    [17:50.72]- DO yOu want me tO COme with yOu? - NO, l'm fine. Stay, enjOy. -要我跟你一起走吗? -不,你留下来欣赏

    [17:51.68]lt's all right. l'll Call yOu. 没关系,我再打给你

    [17:60.04]l'll be right baCK. 我马上回来

    [18:02.84]l Knew it was rude and Over-dramatiC, 我知道这无礼且过分戏剧化

    [18:04.24]but l felt liKe l'd just seen the phantOm Of the Opera. 但我觉得刚才好像目睹了 “歌剧魅影”

    [18:17.88]Yes, ditChing CharlOtte was slightly hysteriCal, 没错,丢下夏绿蒂 是有点歇斯底里

    [18:21.04]but the idea Of sitting aCrOss frOm Big and Natasha 但坐在大人物和娜塔莎对面

    [18:24.60]thrOugh the seCOnd aCt Of ''Aida'' was tOO emOtiOnal tO bear. 看完“阿伊达”第二幕 实在太令人伤感而无法承受

    [18:31.20]This time l Knew what was wrOng. 这次我知道是什么事不对劲了

    [18:35.64]The shOCK Of seeing Big again nOt Only made my stOmaCh flip 看见大人物的惊吓 不只让我的胃翻搅

    [18:36.56]it sent my spleen leaping right intO my thrOat. 还让我的脾脏直接跳进喉咙

    [18:47.20]- HellO. - lt's me. l'm really sOrry. -喂? -是我,真的很抱歉

    [18:51.76]- What's wrOng? - l saw Big tOnight at the Opera. -怎么了? -今晚我在歌剧院看到大人物

    [18:57.00]- That's why yOu ditChed CharlOtte. - She tOld yOu. Was she pissed? -所以你才丢下夏绿蒂 -她告诉你了,她很生气吗?

    [19:02.80]l thinK she's swearing Off wOmen fOrever. 我想她会一辈子远离女人

    [19:04.00]- Are yOu OK? - Yeah. l'm great aCtually. -你没事吧? -我很好

    [19:11.52]l'm realizing that maybe there is sOmething tO this available man thing. 我发现随传随到的男人 或许有他的好处

    [19:15.12]Yeah. lt's Kind Of niCe. Just separate yOur whites. 是,蛮好的 只要记得将白色衣物分开洗

    [19:21.88]NOw l KnOw l wanna be with a man whO wants tO be with me. 现在我知道我想跟一个 想和我厮守的男人在一起

    [19:24.88]l've had enOugh relatiOnship drama fOr One lifetime. 我这一生的感情 已经够戏剧性了

    [19:29.96]ShOuldn't yOu be telling this tO Aidan? 这些话你应该告诉艾登吧?

    [19:30.32]lt's 3:00 am. l'll wait until a mOre Civilized hOur. 现在半夜三点 我会等到比较文明的时间再说

    [19:36.72]The next mOrning l waited until a deCent hOur tO Call Aidan 隔天早上我等到一个适当时间 才打去艾登店里

    [19:38.56]and tell him hOw muCh l missed him. 告诉他我有多想他

    [19:42.52]- Furniture COmpany. - Hi, it's Carrie Calling fOr Aidan. -家具公司 -我是凯莉,请找艾登

    [19:46.04]- He's nOt here right nOw. - He's nOt? -他现在不在店里 -是吗?

    [19:49.20]- Just tell him l Called. - l'll give him the message. -转告他我有打来 -我会的

    [19:51.100]- ThanKs. - Bye. -谢谢 -再见

    [20:01.44]When l hadn't heard frOm him by that evening 到了晚上我还是没接到他电话 我开始紧张了

    [20:03.40]l began tO get butterflies in my stOmaCh.

    [20:09.08]Hey, l'm nOt in but Pete is. 我不在家,可是皮特在

    [20:11.76]Hey. lt's Carrie. Remember me? 嗨,我是凯莉,还记得我吗?

    [20:14.76]The girl yOu wanted tO intrOduCe tO yOur parents. 那个你想介绍给你父母 认识的女孩

    [20:19.32]l'm just Calling tO say hey. 我只是打电话来说声嗨

    [20:22.68]Hey. 嗨

    [20:27.48]l was getting a dreaded feeling that l had played this all wrOng. 我有一种犯下 天大错误的可怕感觉

    [20:31.84]Suddenly, the idea Of lOsing Aidan left me shOrt Of breath. 突然间,失去艾登的想法 让我喘不过气来

    [20:39.24]Meanwhile, Miranda was trying nOt tO breathe near Steve's shOrts. 同时,米兰达努力在任何靠近 史蒂夫短裤的地方都不要呼吸

    [20:49.76]What are yOu dOing? 你干嘛?

    [20:50.64]l thOught yOu might need sOme help with the wash. 我想你可能需要帮忙洗衣服

    [20:53.60]But there's nOthing liKe a twist in the third aCt 但唯有第三幕的意外转折

    [20:57.68]tO spiCe up even the mOst banal sCenariO. 才能为最平淡的剧情增添趣味

    [21:01.88]And while Miranda and Steve fOund new life in the familiar, 当米兰达和史蒂夫 在熟悉中发现新活力

    [21:06.36]CharlOtte was blindly feeling her way thrOugh the unfamiliar. 夏绿蒂正在陌生的环境中摸索

    [21:13.52]ExCuse me. Are yOu Phil? 请问你是菲尔吗?

    [21:15.96]SOrry. 抱歉

    [21:20.04]- Are yOu Phil? - l COuld be. -你是菲尔吗? -可能是

    [21:26.72]- Hi. - Well, hellO. -嗨 -你好

    [21:30.52]- Are yOu here tO ChaperOne? - Yes, sOrt Of. -你是来作陪的吗? -算是吧

    [21:35.96]What's wrOng? YOu COuldn't trust me alOne with Phil? 你不放心我跟菲尔独处?

    [21:36.76]CharlOtte, Phil's nOt COming... l never Called Phil. 夏绿蒂,菲尔不会来… 我没打给他

    [21:42.84]l didn't want yOu tO meet him. YOu'd liKe him and that COuld be a prOblem. 我不希望你们见面 若是你喜欢他,我就头痛了

    [21:46.52]- What are yOu talKing abOut? - l'm in lOve with yOu, CharlOtte. -你在说什么? -我爱上你了,夏绿蒂

    [21:49.68]YOu Can't be in lOve with me - yOu're married tO my friend. 你不能爱上我 你和我朋友结婚了

    [21:54.04]Things haven't been great with us, and l Can't stOp thinKing abOut yOu. 我们之间一直不是很顺利 自从那晚,我便无法停止想你

    [21:58.72]- This is nuts. - DOn't leave. -少胡说八道了 -不要走

    [22:03.80]YOu Kept yOur single friends away frOm me sO yOu COuld Cheat? 你不让你的单身友人和我见面 好让你可以对你太太不忠?

    [22:06.28]- YOu shOuld be ashamed Of yOurself. - YOu're suCh a sparK plug. l lOve that. -你应该对自己感到羞愧 -你就像个火星塞,我爱死了

    [22:10.44]l'm nOt interested in starting sOme married man's Car. 我对发动有妇之夫的车没兴趣

    [22:13.84]Wait. DOn't leave, please. l lOve yOu! 等一下,别走,拜托 我爱你

    [22:19.32]CharlOtte, please. l lOve yOu. Wait. 夏绿蒂,拜托,我爱你,等等

    [22:22.40]- Taxi! - What the hell? 计程车


    [22:27.68]Are yOu all right? 你没事吧?

    [22:31.72]- Are yOu all right? - Yeah, thanKs. -你还好吗? -是的,谢谢

    [22:35.44]- Let me help yOu. - ThanKs. -让我帮你 -谢谢

    [22:44.84]- l'm Trey. - CharlOtte. -我叫崔 -我是夏绿蒂

    [22:46.36]And that's hOw, in the mOst dramatiC fashiOn, 就这样 以一种最戏剧性的方式

    [22:49.80]CharlOtte met her new leading man. 夏绿蒂和她新的男主角相遇了

    [23:01.68]Well, time tO pOp One Of thOse baby blues. 该吞一颗蓝色小药丸了

    [23:05.24]Let's gO au naturel this time. 这次我们自然进行吧

    [23:07.92]NO, l really want One. -不,我真的很想吃一颗 -你不认为不靠它也很好吗?

    [23:12.28]- DOn't yOu thinK it's gOOd withOut it? - NO, l dO nOt!

    [23:15.96]-我不认为 -留到特别的日子再用吧

    [23:16.04]Let's save it fOr thOse speCial times.

    [23:18.84]Give me my pills, gOddammit! 把药丸给我,该死的

    [23:21.44]MarK realized he had brOught tOO muCh intensity tO their relatiOnship. 马克意识到他为这段关系 注入太多激情

    [23:28.32]He wrOte Samantha a presCriptiOn 他替莎曼珊开了处方 她答应永远不再打电话给他

    [23:30.56]and she prOmised never tO Call him again.

    [23:33.84]YOu have nO messages. 你没有留言

    [23:38.56]After twO days Of nOt hearing frOm Aidan, 两天没有艾登的消息后

    [23:42.40]l realized Only a dramatiC gesture COuld salvage things. 我发现只有戏剧性的举动 才能挽救局势

    [23:53.16]- YOu gOnna... - Hi, hOw are yOu? -你们一定… -你好吗?

    [23:57.04]YOu're gOnna liKe this. 你们一定会喜欢这里

    [24:10.16]What's gOing On? 怎么回事?

    [24:12.20]YOu asKed me tO be here, and l wasn't sure if l COuld. 之前你叫我来 我不确定是否做得到

    [24:18.60]HOnestly... l mean, meeting the parents is sO... 老实说…和父母见面真的很…

    [24:21.100]Then l realized l wanna meet them but l didn't KnOw if yOu still wanted me tO. 后来我明白我想和他们见面 但我不知道你是否仍有此意

    [24:28.16]l've Called and yOu haven't Called me, sO then l thOught l'm just gOnna gO, 我一直打给你,而你都没回电 所以我就想干脆直接来

    [24:32.52]beCause being in a relatiOnship means taKing a risK...a leap Of faith. 因为谈感情意味着冒险… 来个180度大转变

    [24:38.08]NO matter hOw many times One might have been disappOinted befOre . 无论一个人过去对感情 失望多少次

    [24:42.72]l said tO myself l'm just gOnna shOw up...beCause yOu're a gOOd man. 所以我对自己说我要现身 因为你是个好男人

    [24:50.68]A really gOOd man. 一个非常好的男人

    [24:57.28]- Why haven't yOu Called me baCK? - l was just trying tO be less available. -你为什么不回我电话? -我只是试着不要随传随到

    [25:03.40]Really? 真的吗?

    [25:07.60]YOu dOn't have tO dO everything l say. 你不必照我说的每句话去做

    [25:11.76]Well, yOu're here nOw. Can l intrOduCe yOu tO my parents? 既然你来了,我可以介绍你 给我父母认识了吗?

    [25:14.84]- WOn't they thinK l'm nuts? - PrObably. -他们不会认为我疯了吗? -有可能

    [25:19.44]They'll just have tO get used tO that. 他们只好习惯这一点

    [25:21.04]COme On, Nuts. 走吧,傻瓜

    [25:25.08]l realized then, that l had made my stOmaCh flip all On my Own. 我在那一刻发现 原来让胃翻搅的人是我自己

    [25:30.56]And it felt really niCe. 这感觉真的很棒

      上一篇:欲望都市第三季 城市“欲女” Are We Sluts? 下一篇:欲望都市第三季 同居风波 The Big Time


