The Mississippi River is the longest river within the United States and the fourth longest river in the world. This river holds a special place in American history and literature, and in the imagination of ordinary Americans.
The Mississippi River begins in the hills of northern Minnesota, near the Canadian border, and flows southward about 3700 km through 10 states before draining its water and silt into the Gulf of Mexico.
密西西比河发源于明尼苏达州北部靠近加拿大边境的山丘,向南流经 10 个州,全长约 3700 公里,然后将其水和泥沙排入墨西哥湾。
Traditionally, the river is viewed as a natural boundary between the eastern and western halves of the United States. Until the year 1803, the areas to the west of the Mississippi River and the areas around the mouth of the river were claimed by Spain and by France.
传统上,这条河被视为美国东西两半的天然边界。直到 1803 年,密西西比河以西的地区和河口周围的地区都被西班牙和法国占领。
In that year, the French Emperor Napoleon decided to sell this land to the United States of America.