What Darwin realized was that certain characteristics could help an animal or a plant to survive and reproduce. Individuals that lacked those characteristics would become more likely to die without reproducing.
Over many generations, the useful characteristics would then become more and more common as the surviving individuals pass the characteristics onto their offspring. Eventually, after many generations, the changes would be so great that a new species would exist.
In this way, a single species could divide into two or more new ones. This was called the process of evolution by natural selection.
When Darwin returned to England, he studied plants and animals in more detail. After much research, he began writing a book about his theory of evolution by natural selection. When the book, "The Origin of Species," was published in 1859, it was very popular and very controversial.
达尔文回到英国后,对植物和动物进行了更详细的研究。经过大量研究,他开始写一本关于自然选择进化理论的书。《物种起源》于 1859 年出版,非常受欢迎,也引起了很大争议。
During the next 20 years, Darwin continued his scientific research and he wrote several more books. By the time of his death in 1882, many biologists had realized that Darwin had made one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time. For the first time, scientists could understand the origin of the many different species of plants and animals.
在接下来的 20 年里,达尔文继续他的科学研究,并写了几本书。到 1882 年他去世时,许多生物学家已经意识到达尔文做出了有史以来最重要的科学发现之一。科学家首次能够了解众多不同种类植物和动物的起源。