About 200 years ago, many more people came to New Zealand. These people were from the British Isles, and they came to New Zealand to begin farms. Today, most of the people of New Zealand are descended from people who came from Britain during the 19th century.
大约 200 年前,更多的人来到新西兰。这些人来自不列颠群岛,他们来到新西兰开垦农田。今天,新西兰的大多数人都是 19 世纪从英国来到这里的人的后裔。
Some wars started between the Maori and the British settlers. After years of fighting, the two sides signed a treaty to end the wars. Today, the Maori have achieved equal rights, but there are still some disagreements about land ownership. In recent years, many more people have come to New Zealand, mostly from Asian countries and from other Pacific islands.