One year is the time required for the earth to travel around the sun. For most of history, however, people did not know that the earth moved around the sun. Instead, people believed that the sun moved around the earth. The old idea that the sun moved around the earth is known as the geocentric theory.
This idea was first made famous by an ancient Greek scientist, Ptolemy, who lived in Egypt nearly 2000 years ago. Some other Greek philosophers had suggested instead that the earth might travel around the sun. However, this idea, which is known as the heliocentric theory, was not widely accepted for centuries.
这一观点最早是由一位生活在埃及的古希腊科学家托勒密提出的,他大约在 2000 年前就生活在埃及。其他一些希腊哲学家则认为地球可能绕着太阳转。然而,这一被称为日心说的观点在几个世纪内并未被广泛接受。
People in Europe did not seriously question Ptolemy's geocentric theory. During the early 15th century, however, a Polish astronomer named Nicholas Copernicus began to think that the heliocentric idea was right and that the geocentric idea was wrong.
欧洲人并没有认真质疑托勒密的地心说。然而,在 15 世纪初,一位名叫尼古拉斯·哥白尼的波兰天文学家开始认为日心说是正确的,而地心说是错误的。
Shortly before his death, Copernicus wrote a book that described the mathematical details of his theory that the earth revolved or traveled around the sun.