US, Europe Order Russian Expulsions over British Attack
The United States has expelled 60 Russian diplomats to answer the poisoning of a Russian spy and his daughter in Britain this month.
The U.S. action was announced Monday. Numerous European nations also ordered expulsions.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed the order. She said in a statement that, in taking the actions, "the United States and our allies and partners make clear to Russia that its actions have consequences."
白宫新闻秘书莎拉·桑德斯(Sarah Sanders)证实了这项命令。她在一份声明中表示,通过这一行动,“美国及其盟国以及合作伙伴向俄罗斯明确表明了其行动的严重后果。”
Officials from the U.S., Britain and other nations have accused the Russian government of ordering the attack.
On March 4, 66-year-old former Russian military intelligence official Sergei Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter, Yulia, were found unconscious at a shopping center in Salisbury. The two were taken to the hospital where they remain in serious condition.
3月4日,66岁的前俄罗斯军事情报官员谢尔盖·斯克里帕尔(Sergei Skripal)以及他33岁的女儿尤莉娅在索尔兹伯里的一家购物中心被发现昏迷。这两人被送往医院,至今病情危急。
Sergei Skripal lived in Britain and is a British citizen. His daughter was visiting from Moscow.
Britain said it found evidence the Skripals were poisoned with a nerve gas Russia developed in the 1980s.
Earlier this month, Britain expelled 23 Russian diplomats after British Prime Minister Theresa May called the attack an unlawful use of force by Russia. Russia has denied involvement in the attack.
本月早些时候,在英国首相特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)称这次袭击是俄罗斯非法使用武力之后,英国驱逐了23名俄罗斯外交官。俄罗斯方面否认参与了这次袭击。
U.S. officials said the 60 Russians expelled were "intelligence officers" working in America under diplomatic cover. Several reportedly worked for Russia's United Nations offices.
The U.S. also ordered the closure of Russia's diplomatic operation in Seattle, Washington. Sanders said that action was taken because the operation is near a U.S. Navy submarine base and the U.S. aerospace company Boeing.
"Today's actions make the United States safer by reducing Russia's ability to spy on Americans and to conduct covert operations that threaten America's national security," Sanders said.
European Council President Donald Tusk said at least 14 European Union nations were expelling Russian diplomats. An EU official told the Associated Press more than 30 Russians were ordered expelled from EU nations.
欧洲理事会主席唐纳德·图斯克(Donald Tusk)表示,至少有14个欧盟国家正在驱逐俄罗斯官员。一名欧盟官员对美联社表示,有30多名俄罗斯人被勒令驱逐出欧盟国家。
Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko also ordered expulsions of 13 Russians. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania said they would expel diplomats as well. And Canada said it was expelling four Russians and denying permission to three others seeking to enter the country.
Almost all the countries said publicly the expelled Russian diplomats were believed to be operating as spies.
The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, said in a statement the action by the U.S. and many of its allies sends "a clear message that we will not stand for Russia's misconduct."
美国驻联合国大使尼基·黑利(Nikki Haley)在一份声明中表示,美国及其多个盟国的行动发出了明确信息,表明“我们不会忍受俄罗斯的不当行为。”
Russia's ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Antonov, condemned the U.S. move. In comments carried Monday by Russian news agencies, Antonov said Russia would decide on an "adequate" response for the U.S. action. He added that the U.S. is "ruining what is left of Russian-U.S. ties."
俄罗斯驻美国大使阿纳托利·安东诺夫(Anatoly Antonov)谴责了美国这一举动。安东诺夫在俄罗斯新闻社周一发表的评论中表示,俄罗斯将会对美国的行动做出“充分的”回应。他补充说,美国正在毁掉美俄两国善果仅存的那点关系。
In Moscow, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said officials were considering how to react to nations ordering the expulsions.
I'm Bryan Lynn.
The United States has expelled 60 Russian diplomats to answer the poisoning of a Russian spy and his daughter in Britain this month.
The U.S. action was announced Monday. Numerous European nations also ordered expulsions.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed the order. She said in a statement that, in taking the actions, “the United States and our allies and partners make clear to Russia that its actions have consequences.”
Officials from the U.S., Britain and other nations have accused the Russian government of ordering the attack.
On March 4, 66-year-old former Russian military intelligence official Sergei Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter, Yulia, were found unconscious at a shopping center in Salisbury. The two were taken to the hospital where they remain in serious condition.
Sergei Skripal lived in Britain and is a British citizen. His daughter was visiting from Moscow.
Britain said it found evidence the Skripals were poisoned with a nerve gas Russia developed in the 1980s.
Earlier this month, Britain expelled 23 Russian diplomats after British Prime Minister Theresa May called the attack an unlawful use of force by Russia. Russia has denied involvement in the attack.
U.S. officials said the 60 Russians expelled were “intelligence officers” working in America under diplomatic cover. Several reportedly worked for Russia’s United Nations offices.
The U.S. also ordered the closure of Russia’s diplomatic operation in Seattle, Washington. Sanders said that action was taken because the operation is near a U.S. Navy submarine base and the U.S. aerospace company Boeing.
“Today’s actions make the United States safer by reducing Russia’s ability to spy on Americans and to conduct covert operations that threaten America’s national security,” Sanders said.
European Council President Donald Tusk said at least 14 European Union nations were expelling Russian diplomats. An EU official told the Associated Press more than 30 Russians were ordered expelled from EU nations.
Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko also ordered expulsions of 13 Russians. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania said they would expel diplomats as well. And Canada said it was expelling four Russians and denying permission to three others seeking to enter the country.
Almost all the countries said publicly the expelled Russian diplomats were believed to be operating as spies.
The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, said in a statement the action by the U.S. and many of its allies sends “a clear message that we will not stand for Russia’s misconduct.”
Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Antonov, condemned the U.S. move. In comments carried Monday by Russian news agencies, Antonov said Russia would decide on an “adequate” response for the U.S. action. He added that the U.S. is “ruining what is left of Russian-U.S. ties.”
In Moscow, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said officials were considering how to react to nations ordering the expulsions.
I’m Bryan Lynn.
Words in This Story
shopping center – n. an area of building filled with stores
aerospace – n. an industry that deals with travel in and above the Earth's atmosphere and with the production of vehicles used in such travel
covert – adj. done in a secret way
consequences – n. something that happens as a result of a certain action or set of conditions
misconduct – n. wrong behavior
adequate – adj. enough for some need or requirement