地道美语听力播客:The Big Game比较大的足球比赛
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    On my way home from class, I ran into Cara, a schoolmate that I have not seen in a few months. I stopped to say hi to her.
    Mark: Hey Cara! How's everything ? Long time no see.
    Cara: Yeah! It's been a while. I'm doing alright. What about you?
    Mark: Great! I'm excited about the Big Game this weekend. Are you going?
    Cara: Uh, no. What Big Game?
    Mark: Are you kidding ? This is the biggest football game of the season! And we're playing against one of the best teams in the state, so it's going to be really exciting.
    Cara: Wow, that sounds like fun! Who are you going with?
    Mark: A big group of friends Hey, you know what ? One of my friends has to go out of townthis weekend and he won't be able to make it to the game, so I have an extra ticket. You want to join us?
    Cara: Sure, I would love to go! I've never been to one of our school's football games before.
    Mark: Awesome ! There's a bus picking students up in front of the dorms at 1pm. Meet us there at 12:30.
    Cara: Sounds like a plan ! Thanks for giving me the extra ticket. I'll see you Saturday.
    Mark: Alright, see ya !
    Script by Meropi Peponides
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